How cold is it?

Random APS Picture
Hawaiians declare a
two-blanket night
Minnesotans go swimming +5
Ohio water freezes
Californians shiver
Cat insists on sleeping
in your bed with you
Eyes freeze shut when you blink -23
Too cold to think
You need jumper cables to
get the driver going
Californians disappear -43
Lawyers put their hands
in their own pockets
+8 Californians put on sweaters
(if they can find one)
0 Water freezes
-9 Politicians begin to talk about
  the homeless
New York City water freezes
-18 You need jumper cables to
get the car going
-27 Cat insists on sleeping in
  pajamas with you
Politicians actually do something
  about the homeless
Minnesotans shovel snow off roof
-39 Minnesotans buttom top button
Canadians put on sweaters
-47 Hell freezes over

* Numbers are in Celsius