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Brian Barnes (bbbarnes@umn.edu)

Brian Barnes is currently a postdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota on the Twin cities campus. His current area of research is exploring applications for LCxLC in the areas of metabolomics and forensics. He is also interested in method development for LCxLC using new stationary phases synthesized in the Carr lab. While at the University of Minnesota, Brian has also co-directed an interlaboratory study with Dr. Paul Boswell using a new approach to retention time "projection" for GC-MS systems. He also developed a test mixture that can be used to determine the true gradient of an HPLC system. Brian completed his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ in 2012. His research focused on the development of environmental and forensic applications of SPME coupled with GC-MS and GCxGC-ToFMS. Brian was also awarded the Petershiem Award from Seton Hall University in 2012 for outstanding doctoral student. Brian also earned his M.S. Degree in Chemistry from Murray State University in Murray, KY in 2008, and his B.A. Degree in Biochemistry from Western Maryland College in Westminster, MD in 2002.

Brian also served 6 years in the US Army with the 101st Airborne Division at Ft. Campbell, KY as a chemical officer. He also served a one year tour in Iraq during the initial occupation and reconstruction period of the country in which he developed the chemical/ biological decontamination and protection plan for all of the vehicles, aircraft, personnel, and equipment for his unit consisting of over 700 Soldiers. While serving in Iraq he also performed reconnaissance of 3 sites suspected of containing weapons of mass destruction. Upon returning to Ft. Campbell, Brian was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and was also selected as the first leader for a new chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive(CBRNE) reconnaissance team which supported a unit of over 3,000 Soldiers. He got out the US Army in 2008 as a captain. His other military awards include the Army Achievement Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, and Combat Action Badge. He is also an Eagle Scout.




  1. Barnes, B. Snow, N. "Analysis of Salvinorin A in plants, water, and urine using GCxGC-ToFMS". Journal of Chromatography A. 2012. 1226:110-115.
  2. Barnes, B. B; Snow, N. H.;"Analytical Extraction Methods for Explosives and Explosive Signature Compounds". In Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation, Volume 3; Pawliszyn, J.; Le, X. C.; Li, X-F.; Lee, H. K.; Eds; Elsevier, Academic Press: Oxford, UK, pp 893–926, 2012.
  3. Barnes, B. "Analysis of Street Drugs using GCxGC-ToFMS". PhD Dissertation. 2012.
  4. Eric M. Stroud, Craig P. O'Connell, Patrick H. Rice, Nicholas H. Snow, Brian B. Barnes, Mohammed R. Elshaer, James E. Hanson. "Chemical shark repellent: Myth or fact? The effect of a shark necromone on shark feeding behavior". Ocean & Coastal Management. 2013. In press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.01.006
  5. Paulo C.F. Lima Gomes, Brian B. Barnes, Álvaro J. Santos-Neto, Fernando M. Lancas, Nicholas H. Snow. "Determination of steroids, caffeine and methylparaben in water using solid phase microextraction-comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A. Short Communication. 2013. In press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2013.05.023