Computational Chemistry

Winter Quarter 1996

The Problems:

1. Use AM1 and PM3 to calculate the "heats of formation" of the following molecules: F2, Cl2, ClF, and ClF3. (i) Experimental heats of formation are available for the first three molecules; locate the data and decide which Hamiltonian is better for these calculations. Explain your answer. (ii) An alternative method to evaluate the utility of the methods is to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for F2 + Cl2 --> 2 ClF. Based on this approach, which Hamiltonian is better and why? (iii) So, armed with this analysis and any other data you can find, comment on your ClF3 calculations.

2. DNA replication must proceed with extremely high fidelity in order to minimize the possibly disastrous effects of random base-pair mismatches (i.e., mutations). At left below is the standard Watson-Crick CG base pair. One possible source of mutations during DNA replication is matching to tautomeric forms of the bases that are present at equilibrium. For instance, the imino tautomer of cytosine can form a strongly hydrogen-bonded reverse-Watson-Crick pair with "normal" C (at right below). The frequency of such point mutations is presumably related to the relative population of imino-C compared to C during replication. Using AM1, calculate the relative energies of these two tautomers of cytosine (take R as a methyl group in order to keep things simple-you do not need to include the other base in this calculation). At 298 K, what is the ratio of normal tautomer to imino tautomer (assuming AM1 energies to be free energies)? To be viable, organisms need roughly part per million to part per billion fidelity in their DNA replication. Should you be panicking? Why or why not? Please attach your .arc file for each tautomer to your completed problem set.

                   Normal C_G base pair                           Abnormal Im C_C Base Pair

3. The Diels Alder reaction of chlorocyclopentadiene (ccp) and acrylonitrile (an) is shown below. The cycloaddition may proceed to give two regioisomeric products (for simplicity, we're going to consider only these products of endo cycloaddition, and ignore the two exo possibilities).

                                                            "ortho"                  "meta"
                                                           cycloadduct             cycloadduct

Assuming the reaction were allowed to proceed to equilibrium in the products (so-called "thermodynamic control"), what would be the ratio of ortho and meta cycloadducts? (Again, assume AM1 energies to be free energies.) If the reaction is stopped prior to any equilibration of cycloadducts (so-called "kinetic control") what would be the corresponding ratio? [Hopefully you are immediately aware that you will need to know the transition state energies for the two possible cycloadditions. These TS structures are not entirely trivial to locate, since they involve the simultaneous making of two bonds and there is no symmetry to take advantage of. To assist you, I have provided below an input file with Z-matrix for the optimized TS structure leading to meta cycloadduct. It is trivial to turn this into an excellent starting guess for the ortho TS geometry. Note the use of a dummy atom in the representation of the nitrile functional group. This is done because the program will stop if a bond angle of greater than 180° is reached, which can easily happen when a geometry optimization on a molecule with a nearly collinear three-atom system is proceeding. You will probably want to use this trick for acrylonitrile too (vide infra).]

pm3 tstate cycles=200

  C     0.000000  0    0.000000  0    0.000000  0   0  0  0      -0.1579
  C     1.407420  1    0.000000  0    0.000000  0   1  0  0      -0.1165
  C     1.407388  1  108.222809  1    0.000000  0   2  1  0      -0.1337
  C     1.401980  1  108.878497  1    0.655392  1   3  2  1      -0.0794
  C     1.516806  1  107.421165  1  -19.325044  1   1  2  3      -0.0679
  C     2.111649  1   98.126062  1   74.935865  1   1  2  3      -0.1074
  C     2.192134  1   97.219388  1  -73.671052  1   4  3  2      -0.0540
  H     1.090130  1  125.771391  1  176.630449  1   4  3  2       0.1145
  C     1.424320  1  100.983452  1  -55.362859  1   7  4  3      -0.1074
  H     1.107449  1  110.935221  1  -87.949048  1   5  1  2       0.0900
  Cl    1.672221  1  124.240841  1 -171.008255  1   1  2  3       0.0721
  H     1.089270  1  125.781035  1  165.511688  1   2  1  5       0.1304
  H     1.103272  1  114.899884  1  151.455100  1   5  1  2       0.0835
  H     1.091466  1   91.984616  1  168.985907  1   6  1  2       0.0878
  H     1.089692  1  125.128040  1 -174.154754  1   3  2  1       0.1296
  H     1.089675  1   97.550695  1   55.006343  1   6  1  2       0.0910
  H     1.100839  1   91.146960  1 -170.046145  1   7  4  3       0.1149
  Xx    5.000000  0   90.000000  0  180.000000  0   9  7  4
  N     1.161237  1   89.492365  1 -179.267975  1   9 18  7      -0.0897
   0    0.000000  0    0.000000  0    0.000000  0   0  0  0

Oversimplified, but nevertheless often useful, models have been developed to predict regioselectivity in Diels Alder reactions like this one. In particular, one begins by examining the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied orbitals on the diene and dienophile (i.e., HOMOs and LUMOs, which are nearly always the relevant pi orbitals in these simple cases). One interaction occurs with a smaller energy separation than the other, and is hence the most relevant for a frontier orbital analysis. For a "standard" Diels Alder reaction, it is the HOMO-diene/LUMO-dienophile interaction (thus standard Diels Alder reactions are accelerated by pi donors on the diene (raises HOMO energy) and pi acceptors on the dienophile (lowers LUMO energy)). For an "inverse-electron-demand" Diels Alder, it is the HOMO-dienophile/LUMO-diene separation that is smallest. What are the HOMO and LUMO energies of ccp and an? (You will need to include the VECTORS keyword in your input file in order to have the molecular orbitals and their energies printed.) Is this a standard Diels Alder reaction or an inverse-electron-demand? Once you have the relevant HOMO and LUMO, look at the orbital coefficients. Since the molecules are planar, and the pi orbitals use only the out of plane p basis functions, all of the coefficients in the HOMO and LUMO should be zero (or very close to zero) except for the coefficients for one kind of p function (probably pz). List those coefficients for each atom in ccp and an. The simplified models suggest that regioselectivity can be predicted by comparing coefficients and matching the largest coefficient for a diene terminus to the largest for the dienophile vinyl unit (and, obviously, the smallest to the smallest). Does this work in this case?



AM1 DHf (kcal/mol)
PM3 DHf (kcal/mol)
Expt. DHf (kcal/mol)
-13.3 (CRC handbook)
AM1 DH (kcal/mol)
PM3 DH (kcal/mol)
Expt. DH (kcal/mol)
F2 + Cl2 -> 2 ClF
AM1 DHf (kcal/mol)
PM3 DHf (kcal/mol)
Expt. DHf (kcal/mol)

This is not a problem designed to make you feel good about semiempirical methods! Both AM1 and PM3 do awfully with the heats of formation of gas-phase F2 and Cl2 (these are the standard states for these elements-hopefully you didn't need to look up their heats of formation!) AM1 does OK with ClF compared to PM3, but as a result the reaction enthalpy for F2 + Cl2 -> 2 ClF is off by over 40 kcal/mol. PM3 is at least consistent in its poor performance, and is off by a mere 16.5 kcal/mol. This makes it a bit hard to decide which of AM1 or PM3 to trust more for the heat of formation of ClF3. The fact that they differ by 42+ kcal/mol is a bit disturbing! Read on . . .

Structure of CF3:

In spite of the vastly different energies predicted for this molecule by AM1 and PM3, they both predict similar structures, namely a planar trigonal system with the bond lengths shown at left. What a pity that experimentally the molecule is known to be T-shaped as shown at right (can be found in any decent elementary inorganic textbook). This problem represents a well known deficiency of standard NDDO methods like AM1 and PM3-they do very poorly with hypervalent molecules. Only the inclusion of d polarization functions (available in semiempirical methods like MNDO/d and PM3-TM) rectifies this problem.

AM1 DHf (kcal/mol)
Rel. energy (kcal/mol)
% of equilibrium at 298 K (assuming no other tautomers)

Wow! This implies that 6% of the time your DNA replicase is going to do you in! Of course, you're not dead yet, which suggests that either (i) AM1 gives a rotten equilibrium constant (That's probably not the case. AM1 could certainly be off by as much as two orders of magnitude in the equilibrium, but that would still be a far cry from the part per million fidelity we're looking for.) (ii) The gas-phase equilibrium is significantly affected by condensed phase effects like solvation (a good possibility that is well established for heterocycles-we'll come back to this issue in the next problem set-keep your files.) (iii) Other enzymes check for mismatches after the initial replication step and repair them (this is typically true-take a biochem course if you want to know more . . . )

PM3 DHf (kcal/mol)
HOMO energy (eV)
LUMO energy (eV)
PM3 DHf (kcal/mol)
Rel. energy (kcal/mol)
% of equilibrium at 298 K (assuming no other cycloadducts)
ortho cycloadduct
meta cycloadduct
PM3 DHf (kcal/mol)
Activation barrier (kcal/mol)
% of corresponding product at 298 K (assuming kinetic control)
ortho TS structure
meta TS structure

Obviously this is not the most regioselective Diels Alder reaction around . . . If you were hoping for meta adduct, you should run the reaction for a long time. If you want ortho adduct, you should stop it as soon as possible. Get ready for some unpleasant chromotography either way.

For the smallest HOMO-LUMO gap (label which orbital corresponds to which molecule) list the pi coefficients (note that absolute sign is arbitrary-only relative sign matters. That is, it doesn't matter if your largest coefficient is negative on the acrylonitrile vinyl unit but positive on a chlorocyclopentadiene terminus, those are still the two centers that would be bonded to predict regioselectivity using simple models).


Reaction is standard Diels Alder.

The coefficients don't offer any insight into the regioselectivity, but then again, there isn't much kinetic regioselectivity. In those cases where regioselectivity is high, this approach of analyzing orbital coefficients works most of the time, but exceptions exist! There is no substitute for simply calculating barrier heights, which are expected to be reasonably good as far as relative energies go, even at the semiempirical level.