Call to Arms



Begone the sun, let fall the shroud of night.

In darkness let us prophesy of war.

Let men crawl on the ground bereft of sight.


Let muzzle flash of cannon be our light.

And in all things let blackness be the core.

Begone the sun, let fall the shroud of night.


Let hatred be the fuel for our fight.

In each man's heart let one malign worm bore.

Let men crawl on the ground bereft of sight.


Upon the earth bring down the killing blight

Of fields gone fallow, filled with blood and gore.

Begone the sun, let fall the shroud of night.


And do not seek to ever end our plight--

The glory lies in killing more and more.

Begone the sun, let fall the shroud of night.

Let men crawl on the ground bereft of sight.


                                                                                                            Christopher J. Cramer

                                                                                                            March 2, 1981