

I knew I'd find you all alone tonight

Now let me blow the stardust from your eyes

The hornèd moon has one face turned from light


We travel now beyond the heavens' sight

And take as one and equal truth and lies

I knew I'd find you all alone tonight


The spheres revolve in time and reach a height

Untouched by soft the breath of human sighs

The hornèd moon has one face turned from light


Perhaps we only dream, but if we might

Be made of such, then that is surely wise

I knew I'd find you all alone tonight


So let us dance on fog and frost in spite

Of time--on mist that moves and never dies

I knew I'd find you all alone tonight

The hornèd moon has one face turned from light


                                                                                                            Christopher J. Cramer

                                                                                                            January 1982