Sonnet XX


         (For Katherine)



Madwoman drives her car like a gun and

Loves it. Will she bet long odds? Why not? She

Knows she's hot, and God help the poor unbe-

Lieving bastard who doubts it. Her outmanned?

Why, she'd bristle at the word, still more the

Thought--probably shoot back something like "mil-

Itary intelligence"--then storm 'til

You got the point. And were you smart you'd stu-

Tter step, and take the time to notice

Sensitivity more an asset than

A fault. Shit, I guess that instead you can

Stick with misogyny. I'll take a kiss

Thank you. Don't wail how you were never told

About blue-grey eyes: better warm than cold.


                                                                        Christopher J. Cramer

                                                                        December 1986