The Ox Will Pull The Plow


The ox will pull the plow, it's all he knows.

His life from day to day remains the same

And with a quiet, plodding motion goes.


Even in pain, the ox, he never lows.

Against the hand which whips he makes no claim.

The ox will pull the plow, it's all he knows.


Straight, rigid lines--he walks between the rows.

He does not care for love, or life, or fame

And with a quiet, plodding motion goes.


And is the ox awake, or does he doze?

Strong legs, and yet, through life he wanders lame.

The ox will pull the plow, it's all he knows.


And for the ox, what use to change? He chose

His road and now accepts the fact, he's tame.

The ox will pull the plow, it's all he knows.

And with a quiet, plodding motion goes.



                                                                                                            Christopher J. Cramer

                                                                                                            April 12, 1981