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Implicit Solvation Models: Equilibria, Structure, Spectra, and Dynamics

Cramer, C. J.; Truhlar, D. G.
Chem. Rev. 1999, 99, 2161.

[Chemical Reviews does not have abstracts--the following is the opening paragraph of the review.]

The present review article is concerned with continuum and other implicit models of solvation effects. We will concentrate on the elements required to make such models successful and on the factors that limit their accuracy. We will discuss explicit solvent models only to the extent that they provide a complementary picture or a context, since physical models of solvation, e.g., nonequilibrium solvent coordinates, can often be achieved using either a continuum treatment of solvent or one that recognizes individual solvent molecules.

To request a copy of this article, send e-mail to the Research Reports Coordinator at the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute ( Please provide a mailing address and specify that you would like UMSI report 99/112.