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Defining the macromolecules of tomorrow through synergistic sustainable polymer research

Haque, F. M.; Ishibashi, J. S. A.; Lidston, C. A. L.; Shao, H.; Bates, F.; Chang, A. B.; Coates, G. W.; Cramer, C. J.; Dauenhauer, P. J.; Dichtel, W. R.; Ellison, C. J.; Gormong, E. A.; Hamachi, L. S.; Hoye, T. R.; Jin, M.; Kalow, J. A.; Kim, H. J.; Kumar, G.; LaSalle, C. J.; Liffland, S.; Lipinski, B. M.; Pang, Y.; Parveen, R.; Peng, X.; Popowski, Y.; Prebihalo, E. A.; Reddi, Y.; Reineke, T.; Sheppard, D. T.; Swartz, J. L.; Tolman, W. B.; Vlaisavljevich, B.; Wissinger, J.; Xu, S.; Hillmyer, M. A.
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 6322 (doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00173).

Transforming how plastics are made, unmade, and remade through innovative research and diverse partnerships that together foster environmental stewardship is critically important to a sustainable future. Designing, preparing, and implementing polymers derived from renewable resources for a wide range of advanced applications that promote future economic development, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability are all central to these efforts. In this Chemical Reviews contribution we take a comprehensive, integrated approach to summarize important and impactful contributions to this broad research arena. The review highlights signature accomplishments across a broad research portfolio and is organized into four wide-ranging research themes that address the topic in a comprehensive manner: Feedstocks, Polymerization Processes and Techniques, Intended Use, and End of Use. We emphasize those successes that benefitted from collaborative engagements across disciplinary lines.