December 23, 2010 |
Giang Hoang, Jagan Reddy, and Huy Nguyen are co-authors on their paper, "Insertion of an Alkene into an Ester: An Intramolecular Oxyacylation Reaction of Alkenes via Acyl C-O Bond Activation," designated as a "Hot Paper" in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition. Read it.
December 1, 2010 |
First-year graduate students Zhongda Pan and Vicki Chemistruck will be working with the Douglas Group. Vicki earned her B.S. from San Jose State University, conducting research under the guidance of David J. R. Brook. Pan worked with Prof. Chi Zhang at Nankai University, where he earned his B.S.
November 22, 2010 |
Chris Douglas has been named a 2010 Cottrell Scholar. We thank the Research Corporation for Science Advancement for supporting our teaching and scholarship. RCSA's Press Release.
October 19, 2010 |
Chris Douglas (yellow) and Bill Tolman (red) celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the University's College of Science and Engineering by participating in a flash mob. YouTube video [3:24].

September 2010 |
Hang Yin (Chemical Engineering) and Nate Morrison (Chemistry) will be working with the Douglas Group as undergraduate researchers.
August 24-25, 2010 |
Chris Douglas and Giang Hoang presented their research at the National ACS Meeting in Boston.
July 6, 2010 |
Dr. Wayne Gu has joined the laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher. He recently graduated from the University of Kansas with his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, studying with Professor Gunda Georg.
June 21, 2010 |
Michael Wentzel and Chris Douglas hosted our second annual ECEPS glow stick workshop for high school participants. Read more.
June 18, 2010 |
Congratulations to Dr. Elic Yagodkin for his successful defense of his thesis, "Electrical Properties and Synthesis of Tetracene and Rubrene Derivatives." He and his wife Nina will be moving to Boston, where he will be a Senior Scientist at Dow Chemical.
June 2010 |
Rachel Vanden Berg, Jonathan Ryss, and Tom Erdmann will be working with us over the summer. Rachel is an incoming graduate student from Ripon College in Wisconsin, Jon is an undergraduate from Bowdoin College in Maine, and Tom is a high school student at Breck School in Minneapolis.
June 2, 2010 |
Katie McGarry presented her poster "Synthesis, crystal growth, and charge transport properties of deuterated rubrene" at the I-Prime Annual Meeting.
May 18, 2010 |
Ashley Dreis, Giang Hoang, and Jagan Reddy presented their research at the 9th Annual Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium. Giang received a Travel Award sponsored by Karen Schultz and Johnson & Johnson for his presentation, "Insertion of Alkene into Ester: An Intramolecular Oxy-Acylation Reaction."
May 17, 2010 |
Congratulations to Huy Nguyen and Susie Krzmarzick for graduating with their B.S. degrees in Chemistry, and Sam Levi for earning with his high school diploma from The Blake School. Susie will head to University of Michigan's chemistry graduate program, Huy will attend University of Minnesota's Medical School, and Sam will enroll at University of Pennsylvania's undergraduate program.
April 17, 2010 |
Patrick Rothstein, an undergraduate with the University of Minnesota, will be working with our laboratory.
April 15, 2010 |
The University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment has selected our team for an Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE) Large Grant based on our proposal, "Converting Sunlight into Electricity with High Efficiency Organic Solar Cells." Dave Blank, Chris Douglas, Dan Frisbie (lead investigator), Marc Hillmyer, and Russ Holmes comprise the 5-member team from the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering & Material Sciences Departments. We thank the Institute on the Environment for their support.
April 3, 2010 |
Elic Yagodkin is the first author on his letter, "Low Temperature Kumada-Corriu Cross-Coupling of Polychlorinated Acene Derivatives and a Synthesis of Sterically Demanding Acenes" published as a Article in Press at Tetrahedron Letters. Read it.
March 10, 2010 |
The Honeywell-Nobel Initiative (HNI) interviewed Chris Douglas and Robert H. Grubbs during Honeywell-Nobel Laureate Lecture at UMN. Listen to the podcast.
February 7, 2010 |
Our 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant has been renewed. We thank 3M for supporting our research.
January 28, 2010 |
Katie McGarry has passed her oral exam.
January 19, 2010 |
Naveen R. Rondla has passed his oral exam.