
Analytical Chemistry



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The Haynes group focuses on applications of analytical chemistry in the fields of ecology, immunology, and toxicology, with much expertise in the area of single cell analysis.

One major area of interest is sustainable nanotechnology - a field focused on maximizing the positive impact, and minimizing the unintended negative impact, of engineered nanomaterials.

Another major focus in the group is on studying fundamental properties of cells involved in inflammation. In fact, the Haynes group performed the first ever real-time single blood platelet measurements, examining the chemical messenger molecules that platelets secrete upon stimulation.

While most of the Haynes lab research employs electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques, the group is always exploring new and exciting technologies to answer pressing bioanalytical questions.



Congratulations to Mahmoud for being recognized with an honorable mention for the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry fellowship!


Congratulations to Timmy on winning a 2025 Research Travel Grant from the University of Minnesota to support a lab exchange to the University of Florida!


Christy gave an invited seminar in the University of South Dakota Department of Chemistry.


Congratulations to Tana, Beza, Sharmaka, and Rima on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript titled "Vacuum Infiltration for Priming of Soybean Seeds: Optimization and Particle Tracking Using Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles" in Chemical Science!


Christy gave an invited seminar in the Boston University Department of Chemistry.


The Haynes group is excited to welcome Suman to the group for her doctoral studies!


Christy is awarded a graduate faculty appointment in the UMN Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering.


Congratulations to Timmy on passing his oral preliminary exam and advancing to doctoral candidacy!


Congratulations to Casey for winning a 2025 Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Travel Award to support her participation in the National Spring ACS Meeting in San Diego!


A new patent (US Patent 12,187,658) based on collaborative Haynes lab research on nanoagriculture has been issued!


Congratulations to Riley on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript titled "Phytotoxicity and Phytoremediation Potential of Lemna minor Exposed to Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)" in Frontiers in Plant Science!


Christy contributes to a review article with 70 co-authors for Chemical Society Reviews about the history of surface-enhanced Raman scattering.


Congratulations to Rhea on passing her oral preliminary exam and advancing to doctoral candidacy!


Congratulations to Rhea on passing her written preliminary exam!


The Haynes group is excited to welcome Cheryl to the group for her doctoral studies!


Congratulations to Timmy on passing his written preliminary exam!


Congratulations to Mahmoud for winning a "Best Poster" award at the National Diversity in STEM 2024 meeting!


Mahmoud and Wilanyi present posters at the National Diversity in STEM 2024 meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.


Congratulations to Eleni, Riley, Rhea, and Safia on the acceptance of a manuscript titled "Progress and Limitations in Reactive Oxygen Species Quantitation" in ChemComm!


Christy gave an invited seminar in the University of Texas, Austin Department of Chemistry.


Clare, Casey, Mahmoud, and Timmy present flash talks and posters at the International Institute of Biosensing conference.


Christy gave an invited seminar in the University of Minnesota Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering.


The Haynes lab is welcoming a new undergraduate researcher, Judith Zhu, to the group. Judith will be mentored jointly by Wilanyi and Cheng-Hsin, working on cargo-loaded silica nanoparticles.


Andrea has completed her undergraduate research projects with Beza in the Haynes lab - we wish her well for her senior year!


Congratulations to Clare, Casey, and Mahmoud on the acceptance of a book chapter titled "Advances in Machine Learning for SERS Analysis" in the upcoming book Surface- and Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy – Bridging Theory and Applications!


Dr. Safia Jilani completed her CSN postdoctoral fellowship in the Haynes lab - we wish her well as she explores new opportunities!


Christy gave the keynote talk at the Future Faculty Workshop hosted by the University of Minnesota.


Chinny completed her CSN REU program working with Riley and returned to Holy Cross for the new academic year.


Both Riley and Christy present talks at the 2024 Fall ACS Meeting in Denver.


Congratulations to Safia on being recognized by ACS for "Leadership in the Promotion of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect"!


Undergraduate Haynes lab researchers Heather, Chinny, and Katie and presented posters at the Summer Undergraduate Research Expo.


The Haynes Lab hosted a "Whodunnit" chemistry mystery outreach event for the DiscoverSTEM program.


Ben completed his summer research program with Cheng-Hsin and returned to high school for the new academic year.


Alejandra completed her CSN REU program working with Abby and returned to UPR Cayey for the new academic year.


Beza is an invited participant in the 2024 DuPont GOLD Seminar Competition.


Christy gave an invited talk at the 2024 Blavatnik Science Symposium at the New York Academy of Sciences.


Congratulations to Cheng-Hsin on being awarded the Stanley Shih-Tung King Memorial Fellowship, recognizing academic and research excellence among international graduate students!


Nearly everyone in the Haynes group enjoyed a beautiful day on the Mississippi River.


Congratulations to Haynes Group members who presented at Gordon Research Conferences this summer - Casey presented at the "Bioanalytical Sensors" GRC while Beza, Cheng-Hsin, and Wilanyi presented at the "Nanoparticles in Food and Agriculture" GRC.


Welcome to Ben, a high school researcher who will be working with Cheng-Hsin!


Welcome to Chinny Tiu, a CSN summer researcher who will be working with Riley!


Congratulations to Casey, Mahmoud, Timmy, and Clare on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript with the Reineke group titled "Label-free detection of virus-like particles with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy through analyte localization and polymer-enabled capture" in Analytical Chemistry!


Congratulations to Timmy on being recognized with a UMN Department of Chemistry 4.0 GPA Award!


Christy gives an invited talk at the Canadian Chemical Society in Winnipeg, Canada on the group's collaborative PFAS remediation work.


Christy visits the University of Alberta in Edmonton as the Harris lecturer, giving three invited talks: 1. Nanomaterials for Sustainability, 2. Tuning Nanomaterial Chemistry in Batteries and Bioimaging, and 3. Designing Nanomaterials to Fight Hunger and Pollution.


Congratulations to Haynes Group members who presented at the annual IPrime meeting - Beza gave a talk while Abby, Wilanyi, and Clare presented posters.


Welcome to Alejandra Rodriguez-Nazario, a CSN summer researcher who will be working with Abby!


Congratulations to Heather on being awarded a 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship to support their summer research with mentor Dr. Safia Jilani!


Congratulations to Andrea on being awarded the 2024 Dr. Paul F. and Patricia Guehler Chemistry Scholarship for overall scholastic excellence!


Congratulations to Katie on being awarded a UROP to support her summer research with her mentor Mahmoud!


Congratulations to Beza on winning the CSE Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Graduate Student Award for her work reinvigorating the UMN NOBCChE chapter!


Congratulations to Timmy and undergraduate group alumna Meredith Hoff for winning National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program Fellowships!


Congratulations to Clare on passing her oral preliminary exam and advancing to doctoral candidacy!


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a CSN manuscript titled "Review of Oxidative Dissolution and Sulfidation of Select Nanoparticles in the Environment: Impact on Applications" in ACS Applied Nano Materials!


Congratulations to Clare for being selected as a Fall 2023 Outstanding TA Award in CEMS!


Christy co-authors a "News and Views" article for Nature Sustainability, with figure contributions from Beza, about nanoparticle fertilizers.


Christy, Safia, and former REU Meredith all presented work at the Spring 2024 ACS National meeting in New Orleans!


Congratulations to Clare on passing her written preliminary exam!


Congratulations to Dr. Tana O'Keefe on the successful defense of her PhD thesis, titled "Designing Silica Nanoparticles for Sustainable Agricultural Applications"!


Christy's TEDxMinneapolis was upgraded to an official TED talk and can be found here.


The Haynes lab is welcoming a new undergraduate researcher, Lon Yang, to the group. Lon will be mentored jointly by Beza, Wilanyi, and Cheng-Hsin and work on nanoparticle production scale-up.


Congratulations to Beza and Andrea on the acceptance of a CSN manuscript titled "Leveraging Swelling Polymer Nanoparticle Reversibility for Cargo Loading" in ACS Applied Nano Materials!


Christy gives an student-invited seminar at the University of Iowa.


Congratulations on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript titled "A Comprehensive Trial on PFAS Remediation: Hemp Phytoextraction and PFAS Degradation in Harvested Plants" in Environmental Science: Advances!


Congratulations to Abby on passing her oral preliminary exam and advancing to PhD candidacy!


Cheng-Hsin and Riley presented their research, both as posters and flash talks, at the annual Superfund Research Program meeting in New Mexico!


Congratulations on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN manuscript titled "Nano-silicon Fertilizer Increases the Yield and Quality of Cherry Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)" in Modern Agriculture!


Congratulations to Abby on passing her written preliminary exam!


The Haynes group is excited to welcome Rhea and Timmy to the group for their doctoral studies!


Christy hosts a discussion with Nick Halla, former senior vice president for Impossible Foods, on Inventing Tomorrow: Sustainability, Innovation, and the Future of Food.


Collaborative Haynes group work is featured on the cover of in Trends in Chemistry with some beautiful scientific art by Ella Maru Studios.


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN manuscript titled "Colloidal Stabilization of Hydrophobic InSe 2D Nanosheets in a Model Environmental Aqueous Solution and their Impact on Shewanella oneidensis MR-1" in Environmental Science: Nano!


Congratulations to group alumni Joe Buchman and Natalie Hudson-Smith on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN manuscript titled "Influence of Aluminum Incorporation and Aqueous Conditions on Metal Ion Release of High-Ni Transition Metal Oxide Nanomaterials" in Environmental Science: Nano!


Christy attends the 2023 COACh board meeting.


Christy gives an invited seminar at George Mason University on sustainable nanotechnology.


Christy gives an invited Sigma Xi seminar at Swarthmore College on sustainable nanotechnology.


Riley, Beza, Eleni, Cheng-Hsin, Wilayi, Abby, and Safia all gave flash talks about their research at the CSN All-Hands meeting in Milwaukee


Cheng-Hsin presented her research at the 19th Annual Workshop on Emerging HRMS & LC-MS/MS Application in Environmental Analysis and Food Safety!


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN manuscript titled "Nanoparticles and Biochar with Adsorbed Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria Alleviate Fusarium Wilt Damage on Tomato and Watermelon" in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry!


Christy gives an invited seminar at Pomona College of sustainable nanotechnology.


Both Beza and Safia present their work at the NOBCChE meeting in New Orleans!


The Haynes lab is welcoming a new undergraduate researcher, Katie Riley, to the group. Katie will be mentored by Mahmoud and work on SERS sensors.


Congratulations to group alumna Natalie on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN article titled "Modern Materials Provoke Ancient Behavior: Bacterial Resistance to Metal Nanopoarticles" in Environmental Science: Nano!


Christy is recognized on the "Analytical Scientist's Power List" based on excellence and impact over the last decade.


Andrea, Safia, and Christy present Haynes Group research at the Fall 2023 National ACS Meeting in San Francisco!


Haynes Lab summer undergraduate researchers Andrea, Meredith, Sharmaka, Ani, and David (from summer 2022) presented posters at the MRSEC poster session!


Congratulations to Riley and Cheng-Hsin on the acceptance of a collaborative article titled "Using 19F NMR to Investigate Cationic Carbon Dot Association with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)" in ACS Nanoscience Au!


Haynes Lab summer undergraduate researchers (Andrea, Meredith, Sharmaka, Ani, and Rima) shared their research progress at our end-of-summer undergradate research symposium!


Congratulations to Beza, Tana, and Andrea on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN review article titled "Designing Nanoparticles for Sustainable Agricultural Applications" in Trends in Chemistry!


Christy visits Winfield/LandOLakes to learn about commercial agriculture products.


Christy gave an invited seminar on carbon dots at Ewha Women's University in Seoul, South Korea.


Christy gave an invited seminar on nanoagriculture work at NanoKorea 2023.


Rhea joins the Haynes lab to do research with Casey and Mahmoud in preparation for starting graduate school in Fall 2023.


Meredith joins the Haynes lab as a Lando REU to work with Clare for the summer.


Ani joins the Haynes lab as a CSN Summer Undergraduate Research Experience participant to work with Eleni.


Tana, Eleni, and Riley present posters at the "Environmental Nanotechnology" Graduate Research Conference, and Christy gives a talk on the group's CSN nanoagriculture work.


Tana, Eleni, and Riley participate in the "Environmental Nanotechnology" Graduate Research Seminar, including a talk by Tana.


Cheng-Hsin and Mahmoud present at the UMN Chemistry 3rd year Graduate Research Symposium.


Congratulations to Tana and Sharmaka for winning a poster award from the Nanoscale Materials and Processes section of IPrime!


Casey, Beza, Andrea, Sharmaka, and Cheng-Hsin present posters, and Eleni and Christy give talks at IPrime 2023.


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN comment article titled "Nano-enabled Strategies to Enhance Biological Nitrogen Fixation" in Nature Nanotechnology!


Congratulations to Dr. Safia Jilani on winning a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship!


Christy gave an invited seminar on CSN work at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.


Congratulations to Beza on being awarded the LayChoo Tan Fellowship, recognizing academic and research excellence among international graduate students!


Congratulations to Beza on being award a UMN Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship!


Congratulations to Andrea and Rima on being awarded 2023 David A. and Merece H. Johnson Scholarships to recognize their research and academic excellence!


Tana, Riley, Eleni, Beza, and Cheng-Hsin presented their collaborative CSN work at the CSN Spring 2023 Site Visit in Madison, WI.


Congratulations to group alumni Sunipa, Eileen, Natalie, and Jiayi as well as Beza on the acceptance of a collaborative MRSEC manuscript titled "Transformations and Environmental Impacts of Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide Nanoparticles and Thin Films" in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!


Congratulations to group alumni Natalie, Xiaoxiao, Jiayi, and Becky as well as Wilanyi, Mahmoud, and Eleni on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN manuscript titled "NanoAdventure: Development of a Text-Based Adventure Game in English, Spanish, and Chinese for Communicating about Nanotechnology and the Nanoscale" in the Journal of Chemical Education!


Congratulations to Tana on being awarded a Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Travel Award to support her participation at the Environmental Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference!


Eleni presents a poster on her CSN work at the Twin Cities Advances in Electrochemistry Symposium.


Christy gives an invited talk about the group's SERS sensing work at the Materials Research Society meeting in San Francisco.


Congratulations to Riley for being recognized with an honorable mention for the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry fellowship!


Congratulations to Clare for winning a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program Fellowship!


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a collaborative CSN perspective titled "Nano-enabled strategies to enhance biological nitrogen fixation" in Nature Nanotechnology!


Christy gives a talk about the group's carbon dot work at the National American Chemical Society meeting in Indianapolis.


Christy gives an invited lecture on sustainable nanomaterials at Colorado State University.


The Haynes group, in collaboration with the groups of Profs. Vivian Ferry and Ping Wang, have been granted 2 years of funding from the International Instutite of Biosensing.


Congratulations to Jiayi, Eleni, Clare, and Casey on the acceptance of a manuscript titled "Recent Advances in the Development and Characterization of Electrochemical and Electrical Biosensors for Small Molecule Neurotransmitters" in ACS Sensors!


Congratulations to Wilanyi on passing her oral preliminary exam and advancing to PhD candidacy!


Christy gave a guest lecture on CSN work in UMN's "Green Chemistry" class.


Congratulations to Casey on passing her oral preliminary exam and advancing to PhD candidacy!


The Haynes Lab is happy to welcome Sharmaka Mohamud, a new post-bac researcher, to the group. Sharmaka will be working with Cheng-Hsin and Tana on silica nanoparticle synthesis.


The Haynes Lab is happy to welcome Rima Jamous, a new undergraduate researcher, to the group. Rima will be working with Wilanyi on nanoparticle-enabled delivery of nucleic acids.


Congratulations to Clare and Jiayi on the acceptance of a manuscript titled "Investigation of Charged Small Molecule-Aptamer Interactions with Surface Plasmon Resonance," in Analytical Chemistry!


Christy joins the editorial advisory board for Nano Letters.


Christy is chosen as the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry's representative on the steering committee for the Convergent Chemistry Communities (CCC) "Zero Hunger Initiative".The outcome of this service will include a symposium at the Spring 2024 ACS National Meeting.


Congratulations to Tana on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, titled "Engineered nanoparticles, natural nanoclay and biochar, as delivery systems of plant-growth promoting bacteria," in Nanomaterials!


Christy gives an invited talk on the group's collaborative work on nanomaterials for agriculture at the Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry in Marrakech, Morocco.


Congratulations to Wilanyi on passing her written preliminary exam!


Congratulations to Casey on passing her written preliminary exam!


The Haynes group is happy to welcome Abby and Clare (co-advised) to the group for their doctoral studies!


Christy gives an invited lecture on sustainable nanomaterials for the Baylor College of Medicine-Rice Superfund Research Program.


Congratulations to Eleni and group alumni Dr. Sarah Gruba, Dr. Xiaojie Wu, Dr. Jiayi He, and Dr. Kang Xiong-Hang on the acceptance of a manuscript, titled "Platelet Response to Allergens, CXCL10, and CXCL5 in the Context of Asthma," in ACS Bio & Med Chem Au!


Congratulations to Xiaoxiao and Riley on the acceptance of a manuscript, titled "Synthesis processes, photoluminescence mechanism, and toxicity of amorphous or polymeric carbon dots," in Accounts of Chemical Research!


Congratulations to Xiaoxiao, Clare, and former undergraduate researchers Meghan, Trever, and Mary on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript with the Hernandez group, titled "Machine learning-assisted carbon dot synthesis: Prediction of emission color and wavelength," in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modleing!


Christy co-delivers a workshop entitled, "Creating a culture of wellness: Lessons learned from the NSF Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology" with collaborators in the NSF CSN at the 2022 National Diversity Equity in STEM meeting organized by SACNAS in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


A collaborative manuscript titled, "Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A guide for writing anti-racist tenure and promotion letters" was accepted for publication at eLife. Christy is a co-author, and this manuscript was a result of a 2022 A4BL bootcamp project.


Christy hosts the "Innovation in Measurement Science" virtual symposium session focused on single cell measurements.


Christy gives the Amy-Mellon lecture at Purdue University.


The Haynes group hosts the second annual Underrepresented Students in STEM Symposium at the University of Minnesota.


Christy gives a talk about the group's research at TEDxMinneapolis.


Both group alumna, Dr. Becky Rodriguez, and Christy give invited talks about the Fall 2022 ACS National Meeting in Chicago.


All four summer undergraduate researchers, Andrea, Salman, David, and Timmy, presented posters at the UMN Summer Undergraduate poster session.


Undergraduate researchers David Ajayi and Salman Jaiteh presented their summer REU/REV work to the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology.


Congratulations to Beza on being awarded a UMN Chemistry Excellence Fellowship!


The Haynes group (and friends) had the opportunity to do an outreach event at Keystone Community Center in St. Paul, MN. We did an afternoon of demonstrations, hands-on experiments, and ate liquid nitrogen ice cream with 50 K-12 campers.


Undergraduate researcher Andrea Ligocki presented her work to an audience of Heisig/Gleysteen summer fellowship researchers.


Summer researcher Timmy Nguyen presented his work to an audience of other Lando summer researchers.


The Haynes group had their annual pie bake-off as we celebrated with our summer undergraduate research symposium. Congratulations to Tana on her winning "Swedish Apple" pie!


Congratulations to Dr. Xiaoxiao Yao on the successful defense of her PhD thesis, titled "Photoluminescence Mechanism and Agricultural Application of Carbon Dots"!


The Haynes group had the opportunity to do an outreach event with the American Indian Summer Institute (AISI) program participants where they used analytical chemistry techniques to solve a mysterious “chemical spill” in the Mississippi River.


Congratulations to Dr. Jiayi He on the successful defense of her PhD thesis, titled "Development of Advanced Analytical Chemistry Approaches for Small and Large Molecule Detection"!


Congratulations to Wilanyi on being appointed as a trainee for the Chemical Biology Interface Training Grant!


Christy gives an invited keynote talk about polymer-enabled sensing at the "Bioanalytical Sensors" Gordon Research Conference.


Beza gives a talk and poster at the "Convergence of Nanotechnology With Food and Agriculture" Gordon Research Conference. She was recognized with a poster award and elected to co-chair the 2024 GRS.


The Haynes group is happy to welcome Antavia Paredes-Beaulieu, an incoming UMN Chemistry graduate student, to the lab for the summer. She will be working with Cheng-Hsin on PFAS detection.


Beza, Eleni, and Riley all presented their research at the Univeristy of Minnesota Department of Chemistry 3rd Year Symposium!


The Haynes group is happy to welcome two summer undergraduate researchers: Timmy Nguyen is coming from Cal Poly Pomona as a Lando REU student to work with Casey for the summer, and David Ajayi is coming from University of Minnesota Rochester as a CSN REV student to work with Eleni for the summer.


Christy visited the National Resource Research Institute at the University of Minnesota Duluth to talk about the group's work on PFAS remediation.


Tana gave a talk about her work at the annual IPrime meeting while Beza, Eleni, and Riley presented posters about their work.


Eleni presented her work as a flash talk during the Chemical Biology Interface Training Grant Symposium.


Both Wilanyi and Christy did "Energy and U" outreach shows for thousands of 3-6th graders. Many Haynes group members volunteered their time as safety experts to keep the kids safe during the explosive demonstrations.


Congratulations to our graduating seniors: Clare, Astrid, Ali, and Salman! Thank you for being part of our research team.


Congratulations to Mahmoud for passing his oral preliminary candidacy exam!


Ali, Astrid, and Andrea all present posters at the Winchell Research Symposium, and Andrea was selected for a Judges' Choice award.


Christy gives an invited talk at Oberlin College about the group's work on sustainable nanomaterials design.


Congratulations to Clare on being awarded a 3M Science and Technology Doctoral Fellowship to support her upcoming graduate work in UMN CEMS!


Congratulations to Andrea on winning BOTH an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program grant and a UMN Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship!


Christy gives an invited talk for the MN American Association of University of Women on sustainable nanotechnology.


Xiaoxiao, Tana, Beza, Riley, Eleni, and Cheng-Hsin give poster presentations at the CSN All-Hands Meeting in Atlanta, GA.


Xiaoxiao and Eleni give flash talks as part of the Jeanette Brown Lectureship event.


Congratulations to Casey for winning a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program Fellowship!


Christy attends the Science Talk 2022 conference in Portland, OR and presents a poster about the ACS Diversity & Inclusion cover art intiative.


Christy gives an invited (virtual) talk at St. Paul College about career paths into chemistry.


Congratulations to Mahmoud for winning a GEM Fellowship, sponsored by NASA!


Christy gives the Brown & Williamson Distinguished seminar at the University of Louisville about the group's work on sustainable nanotechnology.


Christy gives an invited talk at Western Washington University about the group's work on plasmonic sensing.


Beza has been awarded a University of Minnesota Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship to support her research for the 2022-2023 academic year!


Congratulations to Dr. Amani Lee on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript with the Pomerantz and Cramer groups, titled "Development of a Highly Responsive Organofluorine Temperature Sensor for 19F Magnetic Resonance Applications," in Analytical Chemistry!


Christy gives an invited (virtual) talk at Andrews University about the group's work on plasmonic sensing.


Congratulations to Cheng-Hsin for passing her oral preliminary candidacy exam!


Christy gives two invited talks at Pacifichem 2021, one on the group's SERS sensing work and one honoring the accomplishments of her PhD advisor, Professor Richard Van Duyne. Aloha!


Congratulations to Christy and a large number of non-UMN co-authors on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript, titled "NGen2021: Electrochemistry is Everywhere" in ACS Energy Letters!


Congratulations to Mahmoud and Cheng-Hsin on passing their written preliminary exams!


Christy (virtually) gives an invited talk about the group's polymer-enabled SERS work at the "2021 International Tea Conference & 3rd Global Forum for Directors of Tea Research Institutes" meeting in Hangzhou, China.


The Haynes lab is happy to welcome new graduate students Wilanyi Alvarez Reyes and Casey Wouters to the group!


Congratulations to Dr. Rebeca Rodriguez on the successful defense of her PhD thesis, titled "Leveraging Linear Polymer Affinity Agents and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering for the Detection of Food Contaminants"!


The Haynes lab welcomes three new undergraduate researchers to the group: Ali Anod, Salman Jaiteh, and Andrea Ligocki!


Congratulations to Beza for winning a MN ACS travel award to support her attendance and presentation at the Fall 2021 National ACS meeting in Atlanta, GA!


Congratulations to Drs. Sarah Gruba, Audrey Meyer, Donghyuk Kim, and Kang Xiong-Hang as well as Danielle Francis, Eleni Spanolios, Jiayi He, and Ben Meyer on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript, titled "Characterization of the Presence and Function of Platelet Opioid Receptors," in ACS Measurement Science Au!


Undergraduate researchers Radwa and Astrid presented posters about their research at the UMN summer undergraduate poster session.


After last year's hiatus, the Haynes group enjoyed their undergraduate research symposium and annual pie bake-off.


Jiayi, Riley, and Christy present the group's work at the annual (virtual) IPrime meeting.


Congratulations to Riley on being chosen as a trainee for the UMN NIH Biotechnology Training Grant!


Christy gives a joint invited talk with Dr. Jeanita Pritchett focused on career advocacy skills at the ACS Innovations in Measurement Science virtual meeting.


Christy gives an invited talk about the group's sustainable nanotechnology research to the summer Lando researchers.


Christy presents the group's electrochemistry work on two invited panels for the virtual "Next Generation Electrochemistry 2021" conference.


Beza is recognized with a ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting award for her exceptional oral presentation at the 2021 meeting - congratulations to Beza!


The Haynes group is excited to welcome Kaitlyn Gruber to the group as a UMN Lando program summer research student!


The Haynes group is excited to welcome both a new UMN undergraduate researcher, Astrid Hernandez, to the group as well as CSN summer research student, Radwa Abdelaziz!


Congratulations to Meghan on defending her undergraduate honors thesis and graduating summa cum laude!


Congratulations to Trever on graduating with his undergraduate degree!


Congratulations to Becky on being chosen as an Analytical Chemistry Diversity Colloquium (AC/DC) Rising Star! She will give a special colloquium presentation about her research to a national audience in May 2021.


Congratulations to Becky on winning the Department of Chemistry Diversity & Inclusion Award!


Congratulations to Meghan on winning the Department of Chemistry Diversity & Inclusion Award!


Congratulations to Dr. Amani Lee and undergraduate researchers Sang-Hyuk Lee, Huan Nguyen, Meghan Cahill, and Elaine Kappel on the acceptance of a collaborative manuscript with the Pomerantz group, titled "Investigation of the Post-Synthetic Confinement of Fluorous Liquids Inside Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles," in Langmuir!


Congratulations to Becky on winning the 2021 Josie R. Johnson Human Right and Social Justice Award!


Congratulations to Becky on winning a 2021 President's Student Leadership and Service Award!


Congratulations to Meghan on winning a 2021 President's Student Leadership and Service Award!


Congratulations to Dr. Kang Xiong-Hang on the acceptance of her manuscript, titled "Plasmodium chabaudi Affects Mast Cells Degranulation as Measured by Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode Amperometry," in ACS Infectious Diseases!


Congratulations to Eleni on successfully completing her oral preliminary exam!


Collaborative CSN work led by Hyunho, on designing silica nanoparticle to optimally dissolve for agricultural applications, is accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology.


Congratulations to Riley on successfully completing his oral preliminary exam!


Congratulations to Beza on successfully completing her oral preliminary exam!

News Archive

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The Haynes Research Group receives gracious financial support from the following agencies:

Sloan Foundation

Sloan Foundation logo

A 2010 Sloan Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Dreyfus Foundation

Dreyfus Foundation logo

A 2009 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award from the Dreyfus Foundation

National Institutes of Health

NIH New Innovator logo

A 2008 New Innovator Award from the National Institutes of Health

University of Minnesota

Univeristy of Minnesota logo

Start-up funds and a McKnight Land-Grant Professorship from the University of Minnesota

National Science Foundation

NSF logo

A National Science Foundation CAREER award


3M logo

A 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Grant

Kinship Foundation

Searle logo

A Kinship Foundation Searle Scholar Award

American Chemical Society

ACS PRF logo

An American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant

Center Collaborations

The Haynes Group is an active member of these centers:

Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology logo Univeristy of Minnesota MRSEC logo