Protein Primer Volume II Topics as of 6-15-03

Compensation theory

Benzinger’s discovery and failures in applications of thermodynamics

Mean-field potential theory and compensation behavior

Linear-response theory

Linear free energy theory-

Free-energy complimentarity

Two states of water –implications for classical chemistry

Two states of water and protein hydration

Excluded volume

Helfrich effect in protein-protein association

Solubility (Anson globulin versus Neurath albumin)

Prions and other knot perturbations

Archae –extremophiles-spider silk and amyloid placks


Potential of solvent control of and by protein solutes as by bovine serum albumin

Ligation and protein activity from solvent point of view

Generalize free-energy flow and switching

Completing the knot and tight binding by proteins

Specificity in substrate and inhibitor selection-dependence on residue choices and dynamical basis..

Enzyme kinetics for nutcracker mechanisms

Why proteins are large