Adjust Horizontal Scale
(adapted from Alan Shusterman, Reed College)
You can make three kinds of adjustments:
- shift spectrum left and right to look at different parts of it
- expand (squeeze) the spectrum so that you can look at it in greater (lesser) detail
- zoom (expand) a specific region of the spectrum (maybe the most useful tool)
- reset spectrum to full width (maybe the second most useful tool)
As you read each instruction, try it out on the spectrum that is currently open.
Shift spectrum left and right
- Click-drag the slider at the bottom of the window
Expand (squeeze) spectrum
- Click one of these buttons (this can be repeated as needed)
Zoom (expand) a specific region
- Click on one edge of interesting region (this leaves a vertical red tracking cursor line)
- Click on the other edge (this leaves a second tracking cursor)
- Click on
- Operating tip: You can repeat this operation to expand smaller and smaller regions, but you cannot reverse it easily (except with the "full" spectrum operation below), so select a wide region and work your way in.
- TRACKING CURSOR Operating tip: It is easier to mark your edges if the movable tracking cursor has been turned on. This can be turned on (and off) in three different ways:
- Click Options: Tracking Cursor...: Tracking Cursor On
- Double-click on the spectrum
- Press "t" on the keyboard
- Troubleshooting: If you misplace a tracking cursor line, keep "marking edges." The first two clicks mark edges and the third click clears your marks so that you can try again.
Reset spectrum to full width
- Click on
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