If you plan on doing everything from home, you will need three (free) pieces of software:
(i) The university’s VPN client, available through ADCS at http://www1.umn.edu/adcs/help/vpn/;
(ii) A free FTP client like FileZilla or CoreFTP, available through a public download site (like Download.com, http://www.download.com/); and
(iii) SpinWorks, available for download from http://www.umanitoba.ca/chemistry/nmr/spinworks/.
The Microcomputer Lab (176 Kolthoff; M-Th 9 am – 9 pm, F 9 am – 5 pm, Sa 11 am – 4 pm) also has (ii) and (iii), and doesn’t require (i). So you can also follow some or all of these instructions in the Microcomputer Lab.
1. If you are off campus, open a VPN tunnel to the University network.
2. Direct your FTP client to open a session to hostname echo.chem.umn.edu. Use the username and password in the Lab 2 Instructions. Connect to the remote host.
3. Your FTP client probably shows the local computer directory tree on the left, and the remote directory tree on the right. On the right, find either the “v3data” directory (for VAC-300 autosampler data) or the “data” directory (for Lab 6 decoupled data), and double-click. Find a directory that corresponds to the “filename” posted on the course Data website. Select this directory, and transfer the entire directory to the local computer. Close the FTP client.
4. Open SpinWorks, select File -> Open…, and choose the “fid” file in the directory you just transferred.
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