Some demo tips: This demonstration works for a variety of DNA sources, detergents, and tenderizers. If you do not see DNA forming, it may be due to the type of DNA source (see discussion below) or the timing in the procedure. It is very important to wait the 5-10 minutes in Step 2 or the cell and nuclear membranes will remain intact, not allowing the DNA to be extracted. If you do not see any DNA immediately, wait 30-60 minutes... the DNA will usually extract into the alcohol layer with time. Different DNA sources will yield DNA at different rates. Frozen peas do not make a good subsititute for split peas due to the large amount of water contained in the peas. Extracting DNA from onions works well, but the color of the solution is not as nice. Red cabbage is not a good DNA source as the solution is too dark and the DNA is extracted rather slowly. Try to experiment with other sources of DNA!


  1. Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah;

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This page was last modified 03/28/2006.
For questions or comments, contact Joseph Franek.