Chemical Principles I Lab Syllabus



Instructor Information


Dr. Michelle Driessen

Smith 113


Head TA

Philip Goff

Kolthoff 151A

Your TA








Class Background Information


Required Course Materials

  • Internet capable laptop or tablet*
  • Course content provided through the class Moodle site and LabArchives
  • Approved splashproof goggles are required

*You should protect your device from spills/contamination by purchasing a protective envelope (for tablets) or a keyboard cover for your laptop. These protective items should be removed when you leave lab so that you do not contaminate any of your other belongings. An alternative is to use disposable plastic wrap that will be avaialble in lab to wrap your device.

Student learning outcomes addressed in this course include:

  • Can identify, define, and solve problems
  • Can locate and critically evaluate information
  • Has mastered a body of knowledge and mode of inquiry
  • Can communicate effectively

Dress Code

You must be wearing approved safety goggles and have all skin covered from the chest down in order to participate in the laboratory. If you do not come to lab dressed appropriately, with goggles, you will be asked to leave and will not have the opportunity to make-up the experiment. Please see the full dress code and safety goggle information posted on the lab website.



Each student is expected to follow all safety protocols/information found in the class LabArchives. In addition, each student must sign the safety contract in the LabArchives site before they will be allowed to participate in any experiment.


Any student found performing unauthorized experiments or behaving in an unsafe manner in the laboratory may be removed from the laboratory at any time. Whether or not behavior is unsafe is at the discretion of the instructors, and this includes failure to properly respond to instructions in a timely manner. Removal from the laboratory may be for a period of time as short as the remainder of the current lab period or as long as the remainder of the course itself, depending on the circumstances.


Moodle Site

There are multiple methods for finding the laboratory Moodle site. You may use the myU portal or login directly at Login and select the "CHEM 1065 Chemical Principles I Laboratory (sec 001) Summer 2016" link. You will find many useful links here AND your posted scores for each experiment.



To Prepare for Each Lab

  • Read the project description before lab.
  • Look over any techniques or concepts that you are unfamiliar with prior to lab.
  • Attend your TA's office hour or a tutor hour if you have questions on any techniques, concepts or the project.
  • Bring your U Card to lab each week. You will need it to check out lab equipment or for any extra charges you incur during the term.
  • Listen carefully to your TA's instructions.
  • IF you are more than 15 minutes late to your lab meeting, you will be asked to leave lab. This will be considered an UNEXCUSED absence.




Grading & Missed/Late Work Policies



Your lab grade will be determined by the following point breakdown. Your total lab score will be based on the average percentage of your graded work and assigned using the following guaranteed breakdown:


90.0% or greater A Range
84.0% or greater B Range
78.0% or greater C Range
72.0% or greater D Range
Below 72.0% F


The instructor will curve the final grades if necessary at the end of the semester. This will place the class average at a "B" grade. See the lab website for details on the graded items shown below. You will find detailed grading rubrics that describe the expectations for each item.


Your TA should post your grades one week after you turn in your work. If you do not see your grade posted, please discuss this with your TA immediately and notify the instructor if the situation is not rectified. Any grade disputes should be taken up directly with your TA and advanced to the instructor if not resolved. Grade disputes must be lodged with the instructor prior to the last week of lab in order to gain full consideration.


An automatic F will be applied to any student who fails the course because they failed to complete the experiment and turn in the completed lab work for 3 or more days (3 or more zeros or incomplete work). In other words, if you fail to 1) attend lab and/or 2) attempt & complete the entire lab or work (and hand it in on time), in any combination, three times or more, you will fail lab!


Plans and Summaries (Group Grade)
Formal Lab Reports (Individual Grade)
Lab Notebook Pages (Individual Grade)
Oral Report/Discussion (Group Grade)
Peer Evaluation (Individual Grade)
Lab Citizen Points (Individual Grade)
Total Points
Course Total: 545 pts


Formal Lab Reports

Typed formal lab reports must be turned in to the TurnItIn link found in the course Moodle site. Your TA may require a paper copy, but the lab report must be uploaded to the TurnItIn link in advance to be accepted. If your TA must upload your report, you will be docked 10 points.


Lab Citizen Points

Lab citizen points are assigned by your TA as a reflection of any issues that arise regarding safety, waste management, cleanliness, participation, etc. during the semester.


Late Work

In general, late work will NOT be accepted. However, under extreme circumstances late work MAY be accepted with penalty if cleared with Dr. Driessen. Approval for late work must be requested by the day following the work due date. Please note that simply needing more time or having a busy work schedule do not qualify as extreme circumstances. Please note that there is an absolute deadline for ALL lab work at the end of the term and there will be absolutely NO work accepted after this deadline. See lab schedule for the date of this deadline.



Attendance in lab, for the entire lab period, is required. Missing more than 15 minutes of a lab period will be considered an absence.


During the semester, each student will be allowed one absence from one lab period with no questions asked. The missing points for that day will be replaced at the end of the semester with the average of the student's completed lab work. It is highly recommended that you save this "one-time absence" and use it only if necessary for illness, university club activities, conference travel, job interviews, family travel, and the like. Your lab group is counting on you and you should do your best not to miss any lab. It should be noted that missing lab does not excuse you from turning in a lab report or draft on time.


The one time absence cannot be used for the first or last lab meeting. If you must miss the first or last lab meeting, you must request an excused absence according to the following information below.


A second absence may be excused, if proper documentation for BOTH the first and second absences can be provided. The request to excuse a second absence is not automatic and may be denied, depending on the situation. An example of a situation where a second absence would be excused would be a student who is diagnosed with mono and has a doctor’s note to excuse them from two consecutive lab meetings. An example of a situation where a second absence would NOT be excused would be when a student has already missed one lab meeting for a vacation and then has a funeral or illness that causes a second absence. Students should think carefully about the consequences of using their "one-time" absence, and how they choose to use it.


To obtain an excused absence, students must contact the Director of General Chemistry as soon as circumstances allow, preferably by email. The student should include all information requested in the excused absence request form, posted in Moodle, and attach a photo of their documentation. If approved, the missing points for that day will be replaced at the end of the semester with the average of your remaining lab work. Please note that no one will be excused from more than two lab meetings, as it represents too large a portion of the course content. See the University absence policy here:


If any absence is not excused (beyond the one-time absence), it will reduce your final laboratory grade by 5% in addition to missing the points for the day. Accruing more than two absences will result in a failing grade in the course.





Other Stuff


University Athletes and Military Personnel

If you are a member of a varsity team at the University and will be traveling during the semester, or will have military duty that conflicts with more than 1 lab period, you are responsible for contacting the instructor or staff in Smith 115 during the first week of class in order to be permanently moved to a lab section that minimizes scheduling conflicts.


Students with Disabilities

Students with special needs are encouraged to contact the Disabilities Resource Center (612-626-1333). If you have a University documented disability that requires accommodation, you must notify the Director of General Chemistry in writing (email is preferred) during the first week of lab. At that point a meeting between the DGC and student will be held to determine the implementation of reasonable accommodations.


Scholastic Dishonesty

While you are encouraged to work, collect data, and study with your lab team members, all work that is turned in MUST be your own, individual work. Otherwise, identical papers are always assumed to indicate copying, and each identical paper will receive a grade of zero for all or part of the work. See detailed information in the class Moodle site.



Your TA will be happy to discuss questions and concerns with you. However, if there is an issue that you do not feel you can discuss with your TA, please contact the Head General Chemistry TA (office: Kolthoff 151A, email: and they will help resolve the issue. If you continue to have issues, please see the instructor. All contact information is at the top of this syllabus.



CHEM 1065 lab meets in Smith 110. Look for your name on the blackboards in the lab to find your TA section.


If you are waiting to get into the course, see the staff in Smith 115 for more details.



Policy Statements


Overlapping & Back-to-Back Courses

Enrolling in overlapping or back-to-back courses that does not allow enough travel time to arrive at our class meetings on time is prohibited. For more information, please see:


Student Conduct Code

As a student at the University you are expected to adhere to Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code. To review the Student Conduct Code, please see:


Scholastic Dishonesty

You are expected to do your own academic work and cite sources as necessary. Failing to do so is scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing; cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement; altering, forging, or misusing a University academic record; or fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis. (Student Conduct Code: If it is determined that a student has cheated, he or she may be given an "F" or an "N" for the course, and may face additional sanctions from the University.

The Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity has compiled a useful list of Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to scholastic dishonesty:

If you have additional questions, please clarify with your instructor for the course. Your instructor can respond to your specific questions regarding what would constitute scholastic dishonest in the context of a particular class-e.g., whether collaboration on assignments is permitted, requirements and methods for citing sources, if electronic aids are permitted or prohibited during an exam.


Student Mental Health and Stress Management

As a student, you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. University of Minnesota Services are available to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus via


Teaching & Learning

The materials provided in this course are intended only for the students officially enrolled in this section and are to be used to learn and practice the course material. Disseminating class notes, videos, exams, etc... beyond the classroom community or accepting compensation (in the form of cash or trade, such as access to a study website) undermines instructor interests in their intellectual property while not substantially furthering instructor and student interests in effective learning. Such actions violated shared norms and standards of the academic community and are not allowed. For additional information, please see:


Sexual Harssment


Equity, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity


Disability Resource Center

Students with special needs should contact the Disability Resource Center, which will provide a letter to share with the instructor on how those needs shall be accommodated.



CHEM 1065 Lab Schedule - Summer 2016

All lab due dates refer to your lab meeting time during the list week listed


Project & What's Due


Jun 13



Jun 15

Lab Syllabus & Expectations, Lab Groups, Plan Glassware Accuracy (GA) Project

What's Due: Safety Contract (online), GA Plan - 10 pts



Jun 20

Perform GA Project, Plan Unknown White Compound (UWC) Project

What's Due: GA Notebook Pages - 10 pts, UWC Day 1 Plan - 10 pts



Jun 22

Perform UWC Day 1, Plan UWC Day 2

What's Due: UWC Day 1 Summary - 5 pts, UWC Day 2 Plan - 5 pts



Jun 27

Perform UWC Day 2, Plan UWC Day 3

What's Due: UWC Day 2 Summary - 5 pts, UWC Day 2 Notebook Pages - 10 pts, UWC Day 3 Plan - 5 pts



Jun 29

Perform UWC Day 3

What's Due: UWC Day 3 Summary - 10 pts



Jul 4




Jul 6

UWC Presentations, Plan Heats of Reaction(HR) Project

What's Due: UWC Discussions - 30 pts, UWC Complete Formal Report Draft- 25 pts, UWC Formal Report Turn it In Upload- 5 pts, UWC Complete Draft Review - 20 pts, HR Day 1 Plan - 10 pts, Lab Citizen Points Part 1 - 15 pts



Jul 11

Perform HR Day 1, Plan HR Day 2, Mid-Semester TA Evaluations

What's Due: UWC Formal Lab Report - 50 pts, UWC Peer Evaluations - 15 pts, HR Day 1 Summary - 5 pts, HR Day 2 Plan - 5 pts



Jul 13

Perform HR Day 2

What's Due: HR Day 2 Summary - 10 pts



Jul 18

HR Discussion, Plan Calcium Supplement (CS) Project

What's Due: HR Discussion - 30 pts, HR Formal Report Complete Draft/Turn it In Upload - 10 pts, HR Complete Draft Review - 10 pts, CS Day 1 Plan - 10 pts



Jul 20

Perform CS Day 1, Plan CS Day 2

What's Due: HR Formal Lab Report - 80 pts, HR Peer Evaluations - 15 pts, CS Day 1 Summary - 5 pts, CS Day 1 Notebook Pages - 10 pts, CS Day 2 Plan - 5 pts



Jul 25

Perform CS Day 2

What's Due: CS Day 2 Summary - 10 pts, CS Day 2 Notebook Pages - 10 pts



Jul 27

CS Discussion, Plan Food Dye (FD) Day 1

What's Due: CS Discussion - 30 pts, FD Day 1 Plan - 10 pts



Aug 1

Perform FD Day 1

What's Due: CS Peer Evaluations - 15 pts, FD Day 1 Summary - 10 pts, FD Day 1 Notebook Pages - 10 pts



Aug 3

Lab Clean Up and TA/Course Evaluations

What's Due: Lab Citizen Points Part 2 - 15 pts


ALL LAB WORK is due by the END of your lab period during the week of Aug 1st!
There will be NO late work accepted past this deadline for any reason.