Poster Competition

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American Peptide Society's Student Affairs Committee
Young Investigator Poster Competition
at the 16th American Peptide Symposium

June 17, 1999

Dear Poster Competition Participant:

Thank you for participating in the Young Investigator Poster Competition at the Sixteenth American Peptide Symposium in Minneapolis. As in past years, judging of the posters will consist of two rounds of competition. In the first round each participant will give a short oral presentation to a team of two judges. The poster presenter will be expected to answer any questions that arise during this presentation. Judges will then rank the posters that they were assigned to review, based on their estimation of the quality of both the oral and poster presentations and the scientific merit of the work presented. Those posters in the top group of the rankings from each team of judges will then be entered in the second round of competition. There will be no oral presentations in this second round. All posters in the second round will be compared directly by all of the judges, and ranked according to the same criteria as before for the purpose of selecting the prize winners. If you have any questions concerning your participation in the poster competition, please do not hesitate to contact me. Messages for me can be left at the Registration Desk or Student Affairs Committee booth at the Symposium.

We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis. We hope you will be staying for the entire Symposium and will be present at the banquet Thursday evening when the Poster Competition awards will be presented. In addition to cash prizes a number of publishers are donating books for prizes for the Poster Competition.

Good luck in the competition!

Jane V. Aldrich, Ph.D.
Chair, APS Student Affairs Committee

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