
by Hayley Gold

The comic shown below was commissioned by Ralph Bunker to celebrate A Cryptic Tribute, a puzzle by George Barany (edited by Patrick Berry) that ran on June 22, 2012 in the Chronicle of Higher Education. If you are unfamiliar with the aforementioned puzzle, click here to work the puzzle, and (spoiler) here to learn more about it. Release of the present comic was timed to coincide with the day-after-Thanksgiving 2014 United States opening of a major motion picture starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley. You may also enjoy this relevant computer script (open link and hit "run"), written by Ralph Bunker, and this wonderful blogpost from our friend Elizabeth Gorski.

Click here to view or download the comic in GIF format. We thank Marcia Brott, Noam Elkies, Michael Hanko, Martin Herbach, Christie Martin, Arlene Romoff, and Ellen Ross for useful feedback during the development of the comic. As you can tell from Hayley Gold's biosketch (click on the link), she creates the Across and Down webcomics that comment weekly on New York Times puzzles. She is available for additional commissioned work, and can be reached by e-mail at kakumei@verizon.net.

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