RU Ready for Halloween?

Dedicated to the memory of Moses Malone

by George Barany

This Halloween-themed puzzle was commissioned for the October 2015 issue of Natural Selections, as accessed here, and requires some knowledge of The Rockefeller University and eminent scientists from its history to fully appreciate [click here for a version that does not require any such specialized knowledge]. Just as the puzzle was going to press, we heard the sad news about Moses Malone (pictured to the right), who was born in the same year as this puzzle's constructor, and also skipped college straight for the big time. In fact, GB impersonated MM for a 1974 Rockefeller Halloween party After completing the puzzle (spoiler), learn more about its back story by clicking here for our "midrash" (coming soon!).

Click here to view or download the puzzle in PDF format; here to download it as a puz file; here to download it as an ipuz file [requires the free Puzzazz app to solve]; here to solve the puzzle interactively (thanks to Jim Horne); here for the solution. GB thanks Ralph Bunker, Laszlo Denes, Noam Elkies, Todd Gross, Michael Hanko, Martin Herbach, Peter Leopold, Arlene Romoff, Marjorie Russel, and Brad Wilber for their outstanding feedback during the development of this puzzle.

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