I_call_'eM_AS_I_see_'emby Hayley GoldThe commissioned webcomic shown below was created as a 2014 holiday season surprise to Martin Ashwood-Smith, aka MAS, and is follow-up in to an October 2014 puzzle entitled A Lot of Birthday Cake on One's Plate that Michael Hanko and Martin Herbach co-constructed with your host. Perhaps you may want to solve that puzzle first! It also helps to have some familiarity with MAS's body of New York Times-published work, which has for the past few years featured ambitious single and double quad-stack grids. The most recent of these, running on September 27, 2014, was co-constructed with yours truly, and has the 15-letter spanning 32-Across that, when reparsed, provides this comic's title. BTW, the photo to the right was taken by MAS at his domicile, within hours of receiving his surprise. Click here to view or download the comic in GIF format. As you can tell from Hayley Gold's biosketch (click on the link), she creates the Across and Down webcomics that comment weekly on New York Times puzzles. She is available for additional commissioned work, and can be reached by e-mail at kakumei@verizon.net. If you want to tell others about this particular page, refer them to http://tinyurl.com/XMAShgcomic More puzzles here (all). E-mail barany@umn.edu to be added to a bcc distribution list. |