This puzzle celebrates the birth, on March 2, 2015, of Bianka Pele Romoff, daughter of Mike and Heatherlynn Romoff, and little sister of Niko.  The name Bianka, aside from having a lovely lilt, is in memory of Mike's maternal grandmother.  The name Pele (pronounced pay' lay) is the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes (2 minute video).

GB adds:  Arlene neglected to add that her new granddaughter's name has nothing to do with the famous soccer player.  This puzzle was a lot of fun to construct, and what a godsend to be able to get a word like BORN into the puzzle.  ICAHN was included for cruciverbal reasons, referring to this well-known businessman/philanthropist, but Arlene made the connection to the Medical School associated with the hospital in which the baby was born.  Finally, for those who were unable to guess, the photo on our main page for this puzzle shows the proud grandma holding the newborn, along with the proud big brother, star of his own puzzle elsewhere on our pages.

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