University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
College of Science and Engineering > Department of Chemistry

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Research Interests


We develop, code, and apply novel classical and quantum mechanical methodologies to model chemical structures, properties, and reactivities. At present, we are particularly focused on (i) modeling catalysis, including especially the exploitation of metal-organic frameworks, to advance sustainable chemistry and chemical processes, (ii) molecular and material phenomena associated with solar energy devices and semiconductors, (iii) theoretical characterization of small-molecule activation at transition-metal centers, (iv) modeling remediation of environmental contaminants and chemical warfare agents, and (v) development and application of condensed-phase quantum chemical models.

For additional research details, follow the Research link at left.


Selected Honors and Awards

American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award 2021

George W. Taylor Distinguished Service Award 2013

University of Minnesota Morse-Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Award 2011

Fellow of the American Chemical Society 2010

University of Minnesota Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education Award 2005

Distinguished McKnight University Professor 2003

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 2000

George W. Taylor Distinguished Research Award 1999

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow 1996–1998

Hubert H. Humphrey Institute Policy Fellow 1996–1997

8th Annual Army Materiel Command Outstanding Research Award 1992

Arthur S. Flemming Award 1991

Army Research and Development Achievement Award 1991



Christopher J. Cramer

Vice President for Research
Distinguished McKnight
University Professor
University Teaching Professor
University of Minnesota

Phone: 612-624-6000

Email: cramer(at)

Mastodon: (at)ChemProfCramer

Curriculum Vitae