University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
College of Science and Engineering > Department of Chemistry

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Teaching Etc.


Living Online

Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics, a University of Minnesota massive open online course (MOOC) hosted by Coursera. It's free -- more than 30,000 students have climbed aboard the 1st Law train! (It's now "On Demand" with Coursera, so you can start at any time and move at your own pace -- if you're wondering if you'd like it, let me make the case for you.)

Or maybe you'd just like to relax and watch one or more of the 15 demonstrations that are included in the course.

Finally, if you'd like to learn more about the institutional and instructor perspectives on teaching a MOOC, see this presentation made to the 2013 Minnesota eLearning Summit. And, I've jotted down a personal perspective on what it's like to teach a MOOC.

Computational Chemistry (Chemistry 4021/8021; last taught Spring 2014). This course is taught "flipped" and all video lectures are available (they can also be accessed as a YouTube playlist). In addition, this website is "mature", which is to say that it contains materials from several years worth of iterations, and comments are welcome. The course makes use of my textbook on this subject.

Introduction to Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Statistical Mechanics (Chemistry 4501; last taught in Fall 2017). This course is also taught flipped, and in addition to making use of the MOOC materials noted above (the videos of which are available as a YouTube playlist), a further 5 modules of material, including embedded self-assessments, are also available (as a separate YouTube playlist) to round out the semester-long course. Slides and active learning exercises for all modules can be found at the course website.


Prior Years (most recent year indicated)

Freshman Seminar (Chemistry 1905), Spring 2010 -- syllabus (no website for this course).

Introductory Organic Chemistry I (Chemistry 2301) Spring 1998.

Introductory Organic Chemistry II (Chemistry 2302) Fall 1997.

Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (Chemistry 3306) Fall 1994.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy (Chemistry 4502) Spring 2006 [Includes materials from prior iterations; comments are welcome.]

Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions (Chemistry 5011/8011) Fall 2002.

Solvation Effects in Organic Chemistry (Chemistry 8322) Spring 1995.


Of General Interest: The How To Give a Talk Talk!

The slides for the latest version.

Or me droning (37 min 9 sec) a slightly older version:


Flash8 Video, 640x360, 100.4 Mb (stream download)

QuickTime 7 Video, 480x270, 29.8 Mb (stream download)


A Modest Proposal to the Senate Committee on Educational Policy

Grades in Context (pdf)

How Bad Is It? (pdf)


Expectations for My Research Group

What to Expect (pdf)