Chemistry 2301

Organic Chemistry I

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KhanAcademy Lectures on Organic Nomenclature

I've chosen not to cover organic nomenclature during our lecture time together, partly because I think the rules for naming organic molecules are pretty straightforward (so that you can learn them without my help), and partly because I don't think I have anything particularly insightful to say about them. For many of you, the textbook's explanation of nomenclature rules will be enough, but in the past some students have asked for lectures on the subject.

As it turns out, there are now a number of lecturers on YouTube who offer lessons on organic nomenclature, and some of them are very good. My favorite is probably Salman Khan of KhanAcademy--not because I think his explanations are any better than others, but because he has a nice voice and his presentation is fairly well organized (though he does mispronounce a few things). Here are some direct links to his 10-minute lectures on this material:

CHEM 2301:

CHEM 2302: