Chemistry 2301

Organic Chemistry I

[Syllabus] [Course Schedule] [Exams] [Gradescale] [Moodle]

Lecture Schedule

Download items individually from the calendar below. Solutions to Workshops and In-Class Exercises will be posted after the material has been covered in class (usually by the afternoon of the scheduled date).

Date Lecture Topic Readings
(Chapters from Smith)
Problems (from Smith, 4th ed.) Problems (from Smith, 3rd ed.)
Tues, Sep 8 Course Introduction; Valence Electrons and Bonds Chap. 1.1 Chap. 1:
Chap. 1:
1-22, 23-91 (except parts dealing with bond strength)
Thurs, Sep 10 Drawing Organic Molecules; Bond Polarity; Resonance Structures Chap. 1.2-1.5, 1.7, 1.11-1.12    
Tues, Sep 15 Hybridization and the Shapes of Molecules Chap. 1.6, 1.8    
Thurs, Sep 17 More on Molecular Shapes; Isomers; Electron Pushing in Acid-Base Reactions

In-Class Exercise: Wedge/Dash-Bond Drawings

Chap. 1.9-1.10, 2.1-2.2

In-Class Solutions

ChemDraw and Chem3D

Chap. 2:
2-6, 8-28, 32-63, 67-77
Chap. 2:
2, 4-7, 9-22, 24-74
Fri, Sep 18
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 1: Drawing Organic Molecules

Workshop 2: Valency and Formal Charges

Workshop 3: Hybridization and Molecular Shape

Workshop 4: Charge and Resonance

Workshop 1 Solutions

Workshop 2 Solutions

Workshop 3 Solutions

Workshop 4 Solutions

Tues, Sep 22 Relative Acidity and Basicity; Organic Functional Groups; Intermolecular Forces and Solubility

In-Class Exercise: Acid-Base Reactions and "Electron Pushing"

At-Home Exercise: The Pharmacology of Organic Acids and Bases

Chap. 2.3-2.8, 3.1-3.8

In-Class Solutions

At-Home Solutions

Chap. 3:
1-5, 10-11, 21-30, 38-46
Chap. 3:
Thurs, Sep 24 Linear Alkanes: Structures and Conformations

In-Class Exercise: Newman Projections

Chap. 4.1-4.10

In-Class Solutions

KhanAcademy Lectures on Organic Nomenclature

Chap. 4:
1-8, 16-31, 34-38, 47-76
Chap. 4:
1-9, 18-31, 36-39, 47-68, 75-78
Fri, Sep 25
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 5: Mechanisms of Lewis Acids and Bases

Workshop 6: Ranking Acids and Bases

Workshop 5 Solutions

Workshop 6 Solutions

Tues, Sep 29 Cycloalkane Conformations; Drawing Cyclohexanes Chap. 4.11-4.15    
Thurs, Oct 1 Mono- and Di-substituted Cycloalkanes

In-Class Exercise: Disubstituted Cyclohexane Conformers

In-Class Solutions

Fri, Oct 2
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 7: Newman Projections and Potential Energy Diagrams

Workshop 8: Cyclohexane Conformers, and Sweetness

Workshop 7 Solutions

Workshop 8 Solutions

Tues, Oct 6
(9:45 am -
10:35 am)

Smith 100
Mondale 65
Blegen 110
Blegen 140
Blegen 240
Blegen 145

Exam 1
(Covers Chapters 1-4)

Tues, Oct 6 (10:45 am - 11:00 am) Stereogenic Centers; Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Nomenclature

In-Class Exercise: Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Assignments

Chap. 5.1-5.6

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 5:
2-26, 33-63, 66-72
Chap. 5:
2-28, 34-63, 67-71
Thurs, Oct 8 Meso Compounds; Racemates; Optical Activity; Diastereomers Chap. 5.1-5.13    
Fri, Oct 9
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 9: Achiral or Chiral?

Workshop 10: Assigning (R) and (S) Stereochemistry

Workshop 9 Solutions

Workshop 10 Solutions

Tues, Oct 13 2nd-Order Nucleophilic Substitution (SN2): Mechanism, Transition States, Energetics

In-Class Exercise: SN2 Mechanisms

Chap. 7.1-7.6; 6.1, 6.5-6.7, 6.9

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 7:
1-3, 7-41, 49-87
Chap. 7:
1-3, 7, 9-43, 49-88
Thurs, Oct 15 2nd-Order Nucleophilic Substitution (SN2): Ranking Nucleophiles and Leaving Groups, Hammond's Postulate Chap. 7.7-7.12


Fri, Oct 16
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3

Workshop 11: Enantiomers, Diastereomers, and Meth

Workshop 12: SN2 Chemistry: Causing Cancer, and Curing It

Workshop 11 Solutions

Workshop 12 Solutions
Tues, Oct 20 1st-Order Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1); Multistep Mechanisms and Rate-Limiting Steps Chap. 7.13-7.19, 6.2-6.3, 6.8, 9.11


Chap. 6:
1-3, 7-22, 26-30, 35-57
Chap. 6:
1-4, 8-26, 28-31, 38-59
Thurs, Oct 22 Drawing Multi-step Mechanisms (no handout)

In-Class Exercise: Proton-Mediated SN1 Mechanisms

In-Class Solutions    
Fri, Oct 23
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 13: Multistep Reaction Mechanisms Workshop 13 Solutions    
Tues, Oct 27 1st- and 2nd-Order Elimination (E1 & E2)

In-Class Exercise: Stereoselectivity of E2

Chap. 8.1-8.11, 9.8-9.9

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 8:
Chap. 8:
Thurs, Oct 29 Alkene Stability, Preference in E1/E2

In-Class Exercise: E2 Reactions with Multiple Products

At-Home Exercise: Mechanism Practice Problems

In-Class Solutions

At-Home Solutions

Fri, Oct 30
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3

Workshop 14: Predicting Reaction Outcomes

Workshop 15: Drawing Potential Energy Diagrams

Workshop 14 Solutions

Workshop 15 Solutions

Tues, Nov 3
(9:45 am -
10:35 am)

A-Da, Mc-Z:
Smith 100
Mondale 65
Blegen 110
Blegen 140
Blegen 240
Blegen 145

Exam 2
(Covers Chapters 5-8, 9.8-9.9, 9.11)

Tues, Nov 3 (10:45 am - 11:00 am)
Alcohols and Ethers; Conversion of Alcohols; Tosylates as Good Leaving Groups Chap. 9.1-9.7, 9.10, 9.12-9.14 Chap. 9:
1-2, 9-34, 38, 46-83
Chap. 9:
1-2, 10, 12-38, 47-73, 75-84
Thurs, Nov 5 Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes: Hydrohalogenation and Hydration (Adding HX and H2O)

In-Class Exercise: Planning Multistep Organic Syntheses

Chap. 10.1-10.12

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 10:
1-3, 6-7, 12-33, 37-38, 41-42, 50-77
Chap. 10:
1, 6, 13-35, 52-79
Tues, Nov 10
Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes: Halogenation, Halohydrins, Hydroboration Chap. 10.13-10.18


Thurs, Nov 12 Synthesis and Reactivity of Epoxides; Hydrogenation, Dihydroxylation of Alkenes Chap. 9.15-9.17; 12.3-12.4;12.8-12.9    
Fri, Nov 13
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 16: Diverted Alkene Addition Mechanisms

Workshop 17: More Multistep Organic Synthesis

Workshop 16 Solutions

Workshop 17 Solutions

Tues, Nov 17

In-Class Exercise: Alkynes in Synthesis

Chap. 11.1-11.12

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 11:
1, 6-23, 26-68
Chap. 11:
1, 3, 7-25, 29-69
Thurs, Nov 19 Oxidation and Reduction of C-O Bonds; Introduction to Radicals Chap. 12.1-12.2; 12.5-12.7; 12.10-12.15 Chap. 12:
Chap. 12:
Fri, Nov 20
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3
Workshop 18: Diastereoselectivity in Organic Synthesis

Workshop 19: Interfering Functional Groups

Workshop 18 Solutions

Workshop 19 Solutions

Tues, Nov 24
(9:45 am -
10:35 am)

Smith 100
A-Da, Ru-Z:
Willey 175

Exam 3
(Covers Chapters 9-12)
Tues, Nov 24 (10:25 am - 10:45 am) Radical Halogenation: Selectivity Chap. 15.1-15.13 Chap. 15:
1-29, 32-71, 79-81
Chap. 15:
1-29, 32-71, 79-81
Thurs, Nov 26 Holiday.    
Tues, Dec 1 Principles of NMR Spectroscopy; Chemical Shift Chap. 14.1-14.11 Chap. 14:
Chap. 14:
Thurs, Dec 3 NMR Spectroscopy: Integrals and Splitting Patterns

In-Class Exercise: Splitting Patterns in NMR

In-Class Solutions    
Fri, Dec 4
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3

Workshop 20: Diagnostic Tests Based on Oxidation and Reduction

Workshop 21: Unpaired Electron Pushing

Workshop 22: Equivalent and Inequivalent Nuclei

Workshop 20 Solutions

Workshop 21 Solutions

Workshop 22 Solutions

Tues, Dec 8 13C NMR; Infrared Spectroscopy

In-Class Exercise: 13C NMR Analysis

Chap. 13.1-13.8

In-Class Solutions

Chap. 13:
Chap. 13:
Thurs, Dec 10 Mass Spectrometry: Basic Principles; Fragmentation      
Fri, Dec 11
2:30-4:00 PM
Appleby 3

Workshop 23: Complex Splitting Patterns in NMR

Workshop 24: Structure Determination with NMR

Workshop 25: IR Spectroscopy and MS Fragmentation Patterns

Workshop 26: Using IR, MS and NMR Data for Structure Elucidation

Workshop 23 Solutions

Workshop 24 Solutions

Workshop 25 Solutions

Workshop 26 Solutions


Tues, Dec 15
(9:45 am -
10:35 am)

A-Ha, Ru-Z:
Smith 100
Willey 175

Exam 4
(Covers Chapters 13-15)
Tues, Dec 15
(10:25 am - 10:45 am)
Mass Spectrometry: Analyzing Complex Mixtures; Exact Mass Determination, Isotope Patterns      
Mon, Dec 21
(1:30 pm - 3:30 pm)

Smith 100
A-Bo, Ru-Z:
Fraser 101

Final Exam (Covers Chapters 1-15)