Chemistry/MatSci 5223W

Polymer Laboratory

[Syllabus] [Labs] [Assignments] [Data] [Grades] [Links] [SpinWorks] [Lab Pairs] [Discussion Board]



As outlined in the syllabus, 20% of your grade (150 points) will be determined on the basis of lab performance (including notebook checks), 40% (300 points) on assignments, and 40% (300 points) on lab reports. To make the math work, you'll get a few automatic points at the end of the semester to bring the totals for each type in line with the syllabus distribution. Grades will be posted after each lab report is graded (so, about five times over the semester).

Grades are organized by a "Modified University ID number"; you will receive information on how to calculate this number at beginning of class. Letter grades are currently assigned by standard distribution from the mean. The scale is set to:

A above: mean + 0.5(SD)
A- above: mean
B+ above: mean - 0.5(SD)
B above: mean - (SD)
B- above: mean - 1.5(SD)
C+ above: mean - 2.0(SD)
C above: mean - 2.5(SD)

How you are doing on this scale in terms of points is shown on the scale on the right hand side of this table. I may shift the grading scale up or down slightly to balance extremely high or low scores; if I do this, I'll notify all of you. Questions? Ask Andy.