Chemistry/MatSci 5223W

Polymer Laboratory

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On how to write a scientific paper:

How to Write a Paper in the Scientific Journal Style and Format (Greg Anderson, Bates College)

Gives information on the structure of a paper and its parts. Important, though: different journals require different parts in papers. Fit Greg's advice to your needs.

UW-Madison Writing Center Science Writer's Handbook

More advice on structure of scientific papers.

How to Write a Scientific Paper (Eric Schulman)

An irreverent look at writing a scientific paper.

ACS Reference Style

How to format your references.


On polymer science:

The Macrogalleria (University of Southern Mississippi) Educational website, aimed at audiences from high school to graduate school, on polymer science. Refreshing and useful general guide to polymers.
Introduction to the Materials Science of Polymers (Penn State, Evangelos Manias) Online course materials for a Polymer Science class taught at Penn State--very helpful!
Polymer Chemistry Hypertext (James Stoffer, University of Missouri-Rolla) Online text on polymer chemistry and properties.
IUPAC Glossary of Basic Terms in Polymer Science Wait, what is the difference between a statistical copolymer and a random copolymer?
Polymer Data Handbook (James Mark, University of Cincinnati; Oxford Press; see syllabus for username and password) Physical property tables for many different polymers.
Wiley Database of Polymer Properties (online version of Polymer Handbook) Online version of an awesome resource.

Chemical Resources:


Like the print catalog, gives chemical data (e.g., molecular weight, density, etc.) on many of the compounds Aldrich sells (including most of the chemicals you will use).

Chemfinder (Cambridge Scientific Computing)

More chemical data.