Integrate Spectrum (with Baseline Correction)

(adapted from Alan Shusterman, Reed College)

Integrating the spectrum means finding the area underneath the peaks that interest you. This peak area or integral is proportional to the number of hydrogens that create these signals. Therefore, integrals are useful only if we compare them to other integrals. Also, only the relative integral size is meaningful; two integrals with sizes of 1 and 4 tell us the same thing as two integrals with sizes of 0.2 and 0.8.

SpinWorks integration involves four steps. Phasing should have been completed already (but you can rephase peaks at any time). Baseline correction is not usually necessary, and calibration is completely optional. So, if your baseline looks reasonably flat, and your patterns look reasonably well-phased, perform only step 3.

  1. Proper phasing (I will assume this has been done already)
  2. Correcting baseline for curvature (optional)
  3. Selecting integration regions (peaks of interest)
  4. Calibrating value of one integral (optional)

2. Baseline correction (optional)

Most spectra contain curved baselines. This curvature look like a broad, low hill stretching across the entire spectrum, or it might look like a sharp, steep twist at one end of the spectrum. In either case, baseline curvature will not usually affect integral measurements much compared to other distorting factors (see above). However, you may occasionally find a spectrum where some compensation for baseline curvature would be helpful, or you just might want to compensate for baseline curvature because that's the kind of careful person you happen to be.

Baseline correction is a procedure that flattens the baseline. First, you tell the program where the baseline is (you do this by clicking on several baseline points). Then, the program looks at the spectrum's height at these "baseline" points, draws a smooth curve that passes through these points, and subtracts this curve from your spectrum. The result is a corrected spectrum in which your selected points lie on the baseline (height = 0), and, you hope, curvature in the original spectrum has been reduced.

3. Selecting integration regions

At this point, the integration dialog window opens.

The next step is to define regions for integration. An integration region should consist of: 1) baseline on the left, 2) signals produced by a single type of H in the middle, and 3) baseline on the right. An ideal integration region is shown below. The region extends from the left edge of the blue integral curve to the right edge. If you view integration as a left-to-right procedure, then you can see that the integral curve starts low on the left, remains flat until it approaches an NMR peak, rises as it passes each peak (the degree of curve rise reflects the area under the peak), flattens between peaks, and finishes as a flat line again on the right.

To define an integration region:

4. Calibrate one integral curve (optional)

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