(adapted from Alan Shusterman, Reed College)
Peak pick is a procedure for obtaining the resonance frequencies (or chemical shifts) of selected peaks.
The procedure involves:
Peak picking tip #1: expand before picking. It is not necessary to expand regions before peak picking, but it is usually a good idea. If you peak pick on a full spectrum, you are likely to get peak positions for many uninteresting peaks and this can needlessly complicate your interpretation of the peak pick data.
Peak picking tip #2: build a list of peaks. SpinWorks picks peaks only in the region displayed in the program window. Peaks that are not displayed are not picked. Therefore, you can zoom from region to region and pick just the peaks you want in each region. All of the picked peaks are added to a list that SpinWorks maintains. If you make a mistake, you can remove peaks from the list (or clear the entire list).
1. Select desired unit for peak position
2-4. Expand, set threshold, pick peaks
Steps 2-4 can be repeated again and again by bringing new regions into the display window. If you want to see all of the peaks that have been picked so far, click .
5. (Optional) Removing peaks from the peak pick list
Step 5 can be repeated again and again by bringing new regions into the display window. If you want to see the peaks that are still picked, click . If you would like to remove all of the picked peaks from the list, click PeakPick: Clear Peak List