Chemistry 4361/8361
Interpretation of Organic Spectra
Your numeric and letter grades are available on your WebCT page for the course (use the WebCT Site link above), under "My Grades". The scale below translates your Total score into a letter grade. It gets updated after every midterm exam.
CHEM 8361:
Letter Grade | Total Score Range |
A | >729 |
A- | 729-680 |
B+ | 679-630 |
B | 629-580 |
B- | 579-530 |
my discretion | <530 |
CHEM 4361:
Letter Grade | Total Score Range |
A | >509 |
A- | 509-465 |
B+ | 464-420 |
B | 419-375 |
B- | 374-330 |
C+ | 329-285 |
C | 284-240 |
my discretion | <240 |