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Don Truhlar is awarded the 2009 Herschbach Medal for Excellence in Research in the Field of Collision Dynamics

Don Truhlar's Research Site

On July 9, at the Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions in Snowbird, Utah, Don Truhlar was presented with the 2009 Herschbach Medal for Excellence in Research in the Field of Collision Dynamics; Truhlar received the medal (shown in the figure) for "for bold and architectural work, inspiring and empowering". The presentation cited his research in theoretical molecular collision dynamics, including the quantum dynamics of molecular collisions, the role of quantized transition states in chemical reactions, the treatment of conical intersections in internuclear dynamics, the importance of quantum effects on enzymatic reactions, interaction potentials underlying molecular dynamics, variational transition state theory including quantum effects, and solvation effects.

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