What are the Odds?

by George Barany and Friends

This "mid-week level" puzzle was released on November 13, 2013, a date of particular significance to two of the puzzle's three honorees.  Solvers associated with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Minnesota will recognize the names easily, while others may need to trust us that the crossing words are all fair.  After completing the puzzle (spoiler), learn more about the honorees, and about the puzzle itself, by clicking here for our "midrash." 

Click here to view or download the puzzle in PDF format; here to download it as a puz file; here to download it as an ipuz file [requires the free Puzzazz app to solve]; here to solve the puzzle interactively (thanks to Jim Horne); here for the solution. GB thanks Jeff Aubé, Barbara Barany, Noam Elkies, Michael Hanko, Brent Hartzell, Martin Herbach, Ben Jones, Karen Kaler, Deane Morrison, and Tom Williams from our regular Barany Friends group, and Renee Frontiera, James Johns, Doreen Leopold, and Ian Tonks who were specially recruited for this occasion, for beta testing the puzzle as well as their insightful suggestions that improved it.

If you want to tell others about this particular page, refer them to http://tinyurl.com/whatoddschemistrypuz

More puzzles here (all), here (science), and here (tributes).

E-mail barany@umn.edu to be added to a bcc distribution list.


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