Cup O' Cheer

by George Barany, Howard Barkin, and John Child

This "early-week level" puzzle (11x14) was released on a date of particular significance to the puzzle's honoree (definitely not pictured to the right). While the puzzle will reveal its honoree's name, no specialized information about him is required to solve the puzzle because all of the intersecting words and their clues are fair. After completing the puzzle (spoiler), learn more about its honoree and theme, respectively, by clicking here and here. You could then solve several puzzles, designated by their numbers: 16 (HB), 18 (GB), 20 (JC), 21 (TP), and 23 (CA), with MB "on deck."

Click here to view or download the "main" puzzle in PDF format; here to download it as a puz file; here to download it as an ipuz file [requires the free Puzzazz app to solve]; here to solve the puzzle interactively (thanks to Jim Horne); here for the solution. We have also created an alternate version of the puzzle, entitled "An Unemployed Philosopher," which has the same theme entries and overall dimensions; but otherwise has a completely different grid, fill, and clues. Click here for that alternate version, here for the puz file, here to download it as an ipuz file, here for interactive play, and here for the solution. We thank Christopher Adams, Marcia Brott, and Tom Pepper for reviewing these puzzles before their official release.

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