C's the Birthday!by Hayley GoldThe commissioned comic shown below was created in honor of the 50th birthday of Michael Hanko, and is best appreciated if you are familiar with Sea Change, a puzzle that Michael constructed with your host. The comic also references two other puzzles that we have done together, Platoon Lieder: the Official Crossword Puzzle and A Tribute to N.C. Wyeth: The 40th Worst Crossword in the Universe. Click here to view or download the comic in GIF format. As you can tell from Hayley Gold's biosketch (click on the link), she creates the Across and Down webcomics that comment weekly on New York Times puzzles. She is available for additional commissioned work, and can be reached by e-mail at kakumei@verizon.net. If you want to tell others about this particular page, refer them to http://tinyurl.com/hayley4hanko50comic E-mail barany@umn.edu to be added to a bcc distribution list. |