Perfect Triangle

by George Barany and Noam Elkies

This relatively easy 8-line word triangle is a companion to Perfect Square, an insanely difficult 6x6 word square with zero black squares.  After completing this puzzle (spoiler), click here for a complete explanation of both puzzles.

Click here to view or download the puzzle in PDF format; here for the solution. For technical reasons, sthere is no way this particular puzzle can be solved on-line, nor are we able to provide a puz file. Our beta testers were already thanked with the more difficult puzzle.

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1. Water-soluble vitamin class

2. Holder, e.g.: Abbr.

4. Part of L.A.P.D.

6. Belted out, as a tune

8. "Half ___ is better..."

10. Sheen or Short

12. "___ In You" (India.Arie number)

14. Agatha or Julie


1. Type of vinegar

3. Magyar mishmash

5. Lumber sawer

7. Stadium sign

9. Newton's fruit?

11. Tilde's meaning in symbolic logic

13. Lady ___

15. ___ for effort

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