Piano Man

by George Barany and Ben Geisbauer

This "mid-week level" puzzle was released on October 16, 2013, a date of particular significance to the puzzle's honoree (pictured to the right, in a closeup). After completing the puzzle (spoiler), check out this current full picture, taken at his workplace (since 1986!) within the Department of Chemistry of the University of Minnesota, from which the honoree's profession will be self-evident.  Relatively few people know of the honoree's proficiency at playing this (hence the puzzle's title, not to be confused with this hit song) and this, and his extensive knowledge of the works of this author.  Besides, he solves crossword puzzles!

Click here to view or download the puzzle in PDF format; here to download it as a puz file; here to download it as an ipuz file [requires the free Puzzazz app to solve]; here to solve the puzzle interactively (thanks to Jim Horne); here for the solution. We thank Martin Herbach for beta testing on extraordinarily short notice.

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E-mail barany@umn.edu to be added to a bcc distribution list.

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