Chemistry Department These pale electrons

Flitting 'round first seen then not

Quantum earth, air, fire

University of Minnesota




M, W, F 10:10 - 11:00 AM

331 Smith Hall

Spring Semester 2006

Instructor: Professor Christopher Cramer

Paraprofessionals: Kin-Yiu Wong, and George Giambasu

Course Information

Sample Exams

  • Sample Exam 1 and its answer key.
  • Answers to additional example problems for first exam (questions found at end of Lecture 8).
  • Sample Exam 2 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for second exam (questions found at end of Lecture 16). Also, the formula table that will be provided with the exam.
  • Sample Exam 3 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for third exam (questions found at end of Lecture 24). Also, the formula table that will be provided with the exam.
  • Sample Exam 4 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for fourth exam (questions found at end of Lecture 33). There is no formula table associated with this exam.
  • Sample Final Exam and its answer key.

    Exams and Homework Keys (see syllabus for dates)

    A map to the Science Classroom Bldg may be found here.

    The final takes place from 10:30 to 12:30 AM Wednesday May 10th.

    Useful Links

    You are welcome to alert me to links that you think would benefit the class by being included in the below listing.

    Published by the Department of Chemistry.
    Updated May. 11, 2006, CJC
    © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by the Regents of University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry. All rights reserved.

    The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.