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ACS symposium honors research contributions of Donald Truhlar

Recent research from the research group of Professor

The spring 2015 National American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting in Denver, March 22-26, features a symposium honoring Regents Professor Donald Truhlar. The symposium is titled, "Computational Chemical Dynamics: Advancing our Understanding of Chemical Processes in Gas-Phase, Biomolecular & Condensed-Phase Systems: A symposium in Honor of Donald Truhlar."

The symposium announcement says, "This symposium will highlight the central role of theory and computation in our understanding of the structure, energetics, and dynamics of molecules in gas phase, macromolecular, and condensed-phase systems. It will emphasize theoretical and experimental studies that have advanced novel computational techniques and experiments validating theoretical results. In addition, this symposium will recognize contributions made by Professor Donald G. Truhlar and his collaborators in advancing computational tools and their application in these areas."

For three and a half days, the symposium will feature leading experts in their fields. The speakers are clustered in themes that include Accurate Energies for Dynamics, Gas-Phase Kinetics and Dynamics, Enzyme Kinetics and Dynamics, Catalysis, Properties and Processes in Solvated Systems, Nonadiabatic Dynamics, and Macromolecular Dynamics.

Speakers from the University of Minnesota include Truhlar, Christopher Cramer, Jiali Gao, Laura Gagliardi, and Ilja Siepmann who are all members of the Department of Chemistry’s Chemical Theory Center.

ACS National Meetings do not typically sponsor symposia honoring individuals, said Gao. “This symposium is an exception, attesting to the significance of Don’s scientific contributions and respect of the chemical community.”

On behalf of the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry, this symposium was organized by Gao, Bruce Garrett, Ph.D., from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Professor Benedetta Menniucci of the University of Pisa. The Division of Computers in Chemistry is co-sponsor.

Click here for a PDF of the symposium program.