Break a Leg!

by George Barany and Ellen Ross

This unique word-search puzzle was created as a special New Year's Day surprise. You are provided with a list of exactly one hundred (100) names, words, and phrases associated with the puzzle's honoree (pictorial hint to the right).  Find each and every one of them in the grid. They may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, and they may be spelled out forward or backward, but they are always in a straight line. After you have found them all, exactly 18 letters (and one punctuation mark) will remain.  Read these from left to right, starting at the top row, and they will spell out a secret message appropriate to the occasion. 

Click here to view or download the puzzle in PDF format; here for the solution. We thank Christie Martin for her expert assistance with the presentation of the puzzle and its solution. If you like traditional crossword puzzles (spoiler), click here to find one written expressly for and about today's honoree [be sure and click on the "midrash" for more fun photos and facts].

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