We're no longer adding group photos here. For recent photos of Haynes group activities, visit the Haynes Research Group Facebook page.
Haynes Group Holiday Party, December, 15 2012
The Haynes group (and families) gathered at Melissa's house for food and a white elephant gift exchange.

Melissa really liked the group's graduation present.

Secil opens her graduation gift from the group.

Ben opens the group's wedding gift. We had a lot to celebrate at this party!

I tried to get a picture of our gift exchange pile... but couldn't get one without this kid.

Secil, Donghyuk, Audrey, Autumn, Yiwen, and Hattie getting ready for the gift exchange.

Sarah, Autumn, Yiwen, Xiaojie, and Melissa in the midst of the gift exchange.

Tony (with Donghyuk and Sarah) "stole" this gifted hat from Victoria but it ended up going home with Christy's son.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2012
Our 7th annual visit to the West 7th Community Center was on July 24, 2012 where 70 kids did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group (and friends).

Katie and Ian do the He/SF6 demonstration.

Zahra helps a group with our "Jewel Heist" chemistry mystery.

Heidi, Yiwen, and Solaire help a group use nanoparticle assays.

Audrey helps a group with metal salt precipitation assays.

Cole's team (shown here) had the best mystery solution and lab notebooks.

Xiaojie helping a participant with liquid nitrogen.

Donghyuk working with kids at the "chemistry and art" station.

Our crew of volunteers after a hot, tiring, and fun afternoon with the kids of W. 7th Community Center.
Graduation Party for Yu-Shen, April 12, 2012
The group gathered with family and friends to celebrate Yu-Shen's defense. Audrey even made a "mesoporous silica" pinata!

Audrey and Donghyuk hanging the pinata from a tree while Yu-Shen passes by.

Charlotte trying to break the pinata with a stick bigger than she is.

Moments before Yu-Shen successfully breaks the pinata.

Everyone enjoying the spoils.

The whole crew!
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2011
Our 6th annual visit to the West 7th Community Center was on July 21, 2011 where 70 kids did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group (and friends).

Aaron Massari and Leah (our summer NNIN researcher) do the He/SF6 demonstration.

Secil and Ben do the "Elephant Toothpaste" demonstration.

John talks about calories and nutrition while doing the "Screaming Gummy Bear" demonstration.

Melissa and Christy work with a small group of kids to perform a luminol assay in our "Clue"-style mystery.

Sara teaches a small group of kids about emulsions at the "Chemistry and Art" station.

The whole crew of outreach volunteers after a long and fun day at W. 7th Community Center.
Urban Scavenger Hunts, Summer 2011
Audrey, Kyle, Melissa and Christy have become avid urban racers, doing CitySolve, Urban Dare, the Great Urban Race, and Challenge Nation. Having completed 4 races during summer 2011, their finishes keep getting better, winning the last two of the season and qualifying for multiple national championship races. Solaire and Secil decided to join in on the fun as well as the summer came to a close.

Audrey and Kyle find some strangers on the street to do "YMCA" during the Great Urban Race.

Christy and Melissa feed eachother spicy chocolate cookies after solving word puzzles at Solera during the Great Urban Race.

The team wore special capes throughout the Great Urban Race based on a fundraising effort to benefit St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Here they are at the finish line, celebrating their win of the Great Urban Race with giant novelty checks.

In the Challenge Nation race, Solaire, Melissa, and Kyle form the letters "MSP" on a bridge with the city skyline behind them.

Audrey, Secil, and Christy had to find a "stranger" with an out-of-state driver's license and make the shape of the state for Challenge Nation.

In this Challenge Nation checkpoint, Secil, Melissa, Kyle, and Solaire act out "Charlie's Angels" in front of a local theater.

Winners of Challenge Nation with the prize money (missing Audrey, who had to leave the awards ceremony early).
2nd Annual Pie Smack-Down, May, 4 2011
The Haynes group had their 2nd annual pie bake-off during the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. Our celebrity judges were Prof. David Blank, Connie Lu, and Mark DiStefano as well as former Haynes group postdoc Nate Wittenberg.

Here are all the entries before our judges arrived.

Second from the right is Audrey's winning pie - a coconut cream - right next to Christy's runner up pie - a chocolate meringue.

One more shot of the pies - the one in the middle is Kyle's third place mixed berry streusel pie. All the pies were great, and there was very little left by the end of the symposium.
Haynes Group Holiday Party, December, 4 2010
The Haynes group (and families) gathered for food, games, and a white elephant gift exchange.

It's hard to fit everyone in Christy's small house - here the gift exchange is beginning.

Tiya opens a crockpot... but Nancy ended up taking it home.

Charlotte helps Secil roll to see how many presents she can claim.

Charles with the most traded present of the night - it ended up going home with Anushua.

Tiya and Anusha playing "Dance Dance Revolution".
Minneapolis Great Urban Race, September, 11 2010
Melissa, Audrey, Kyle, and Christy teamed up to compete in an urban scavenger hunt called the "Great Urban Race" (and surprised themselves by qualifying for nationals).

Melissa and Christy (Team: Electron Junkies) with the "Pantages Theater" sign.

Christy holding a giant hissing cockroach.
A pyramid with 2 random bar employees.

Kyle and Audrey (Team: The Ultimate Chemistry Ninja Destruction Machine) cross the finish line in 18th place.

Recovering while we wait for results.
First Annual Haynes Lab Pie Bake-Off, Summer 2010
Inspired by Ben's amazing pies, group members challenged eachother to a pie bake-off. The rules were simple: (1) must be a sweet pie, (2) must be full-sized, and (3) must have a homemade crust. Four "celebrity" judges chose the winners: Melissa's peach pie, Anushua's mango pie, and Kyle's strawberry pie.

We had a wide variety of pies entered.

After judging, these were declared our 3rd place (strawberry) and 1st place (peach) pies.

Celebrity judges Connie Lu and Nancy Thao hard at work.

Celebrity judge Wayland Noland making a hard decision - he liked Solaire's apple pie best.

Everyone else digging in.

Ozlem, Melissa, and Secil enjoying pie as our undergraduate symposium gets underway.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2010
Our 5th annual visit to the West 7th Community Center was on July 26, 2010 where 85 kids did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group (and friends).

Kyle and Secil making "elephant toothpast" during the introductory demonstrations.

Yu-shen doing India ink artwork at the "colloids" station.

Bryce and Tiya at the "food/biomolecules" station.

Nardine, Sang-Hyun, Shencheng, Ben, and Donghyuk at the "heat" station.

Solaire, Nancy, and Ben C. doing a diaper demonstration at the "polymers" station.

Kids enjoying gak, a non-Newtonian fluid.

Ben and Donghyuk talking to kids while playing with dry ice at the "heat" station.

Audrey E. (Massari lab) helping kids at the "polymers" station.

Bryce, Audrey, John, and Tiya judging the DNA extraction contest.

Kids volunteering to answer science questions after the hands-on stations (for prizes).

The crew making our traditional liquid nitrogen ice cream.

The whole outreach team (tired) in their shirts designed by Yingxia and Anushua. It was another great year at W. 7th!
Out for a bike ride, June 2010
The Haynes group toured Minneapolis on a bicycle built for 16.
The Haynes Group (or at least those "of age") with the Pedal Pub.
Bryce, Melissa, Secil, and Tiya pedalling.
Donghyuk, Ben, Yu-Shen, and Shencheng pedalling.
We really were powering this vehicle.
Audrey tending the bar (not pedalling).
On big hils, someone had to get out to push - in this case, Bryce.
... and Donghyuk.
... and later, Kyle, Christy, Sara...
... and Shencheng. The Haynes lab works hard and plays hard.
Visiting Blood Center of Wisconsin, May 2010
Shencheng, Secil, Ozlem, and Christy were invited to the Blood Center of WI to give a talk and meet scientists.
Shencheng and Secil in the hotel lobby.
Shencheng, Christy, and Secil enjoying WI roadside culture.
Ozlem getting in on the fun, too.
PittCon 2010 in Orlando, FL
Nearly the entire Haynes group attended and presented at PittCon 2010. There was ample time to have fun as well.
Christy receiving the SEAC Young Investigator Award.
All the speakers at the Bomem-Michelson Symposium in honor of Rick Van Duyne, including George Schatz, Paul Bohn, Christy, Rick, and Geri Richmond.
Donghyuk, Kyle, Sara, Yu-Shen, and Audrey on the PittCon exhibition floor with Scooby Doo.
Posing with Jaws at Universal Studios.
Being tickled by the Simpsons at Universal Studios.
Holiday Party, Winter 2009
The Haynes Group gathered at Christy's house for food, a gift exchange, and games to celebrate the holiday season.
The red velvet cake creatively decorated by a local baker.
The pile of gift exchange presents.
Melissa demonstrating the use of the back scratcher she unwrapped as Ozlem looks on.
Ben, Audrey, John, and Jonathan during the gift exchange first round - Audrey left with a large number of presents at the end of the evening.
Shencheng watching a heated exchange while playing Cranium.
Group Outing to the Minnesota State Fair, Summer 2009
The Haynes Group contributed to the record-breaking attendance at the 2009 Minnesota State Fair.
Nate, Shencheng, and Donghyuk eating turkey legs by the DNR pond.
The whole crew in front of the reptile house (we didn't go in).
Audrey enjoying deep-fried oreos.
Ozlem, Kyle, Audrey, Donghyuk, Nate, and Ben enjoying the perfect fair weather.
Ben enjoying the Midway games.
Zhen (Nancy) trying to win a stuffed animal.
Nate about to break some bottles and win a stuffed panda.
Ozlem and Shencheng took a ride on a roller coaster.
Chemistry Day at Centennial Elementary School, Summer 2009
This year we made a second outreach trip to Centennial Elementary School on August 18, 2009 where 20 4th graders did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group.

Chelsea and Ben doing the He/SF6 demonstration.

Nate working with the kids at the gak table.

Nancy helping the kids make polyurethane foam.

Melissa and Yu-Shen at the paper making table.

Ben and Kyle teaching about dry ice.

Sara helping Ozlem make paper (we all wanted to get in on the fun).

Shencheng at the "Frozen Fun" table.

Our winner of the vocabulary quiz.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2009
Our 4th annual visit to the West 7th Community Center was on August 11, 2009 where 50 kids did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group (and friends).

Secil at the polymer activity table.

Yu-shen and Melissa doing the marbling activity with the W. 7th kids.

Two kids working on the vocabulary sheets.

Shencheng helping a kid freeze a flower with liquid nitrogen.

The slime/gak team helps the kids make a BIG mess.
Wedding/Baby Showers, May 2009
We have a lot to celebrate in the group right now. We celebrated Yu-Shen's new baby girl and Kyle's upcoming wedding at Minnehaha Falls Park.
Everyone eating and hanging out on a beautiful day.
Admiring the new baby
Ben cutting his now famous homemade pies - Yum!
Looking out at the Falls.
Ian, Kyle, Melissa, and Audrey (out of sight) on the double surrey while Yu-Shen looks on.
Everyone's so relaxed before we start pedalling.
Ben, Christy, Shencheng, and Juan on the other double surrey.
Group Holiday Party, December 2008
Sara hosted this year's holiday celebration. We had a potluck (where the highlight was Ben's pies) and played games.

Audrey, Donghyuk, and Emily play with Clark.

Yu-Shen, Shencheng, and Donghyuk team up during "Cranium."

Courtney, Kyle, and Kyle on an opposing "Cranium" team.
Visiting Pine Tree Apple Orchard, October 2008
On a crisp fall day, we visited the orchard for a hay ride, a corn maze, and some treats.

The group after a hay ride around the orchard grounds.

Kyle, Donghyuk, Audrey, and Melissa "lost" in the corn maze.

The group after conquering the corn maze.

Enjoying cider on a beautiful day.

Melissa and Donghyuk share a carmel apple.

Clark enjoys his first visit to an apple orchard with the Haynes group.
Enjoying the Minnesota State Fair, Summer 2008
We took a day out to enjoy the biggest state fair in the country as a group (though we were missing a few folks).

The group enjoying one of many available fried foods (battered potatoes).

Kathy petting a very sweet sheep.

Kyle, Melissa, and Yu-Shen with the biggest pig (Squeaky).

Everyone ready to enjoy the lumberjack show.

Clark came along to experience his very first fair.

Nate and Kyle enjoying all you can drink milk and Sweet Martha's cookies.

Kathy and Melissa also enjoying warm chocolate chip cookies.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2008
Our 3rd annual visit to the West 7th Community Center was on July 8, 2008 where 80 kids did chemistry experiments with the Haynes group (and friends).

One of our kids enjoying his slime.

Kyle, Yu-Shen, and Emily work with the kids on our new acid/base invisible ink activity.

Kids making slime with Kathy, Bryce, and Christy (not shown).

Nate talks to the kids about sublimation and density with a dry ice activity.

Shencheng freezes racquet balls and flowers with the kids - a very popular, and loud, station.

Rick and Courtney (not shown) lead the kids in exploring the properites of dry ice with bubbles, balloons, and popping tubes.

Melissa and Sara run the filter paper candy chromatography activity (with Michelle, not pictured).

Kathy has an enthusiastic audience for liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Shencheng and Melissa make another huge batch of liquid nitrogen ice cream.
Visiting the Apple Orchard, Fall 2007
The Haynes lab visited Aamodt's apple orchard in November 2007 to welcome Yu-Shen and Melissa to the group and celebrate Fall.

There was a petting zoo at the orchard. Here's Shencheng feeding a llama.

Bryce and Lindsay admiring the goats and sheep at the petting zoo.

All of us enjoying hot cider and the beautiful day.

The apple orchard is also home to a small vineyard. Here, Sara, Tina, Charles, and Yu-Shen are tasting these local wines.

Here we are after drinking a lot of hot cider and enjoying the crisp day.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2007
The Haynes lab (and some friends from other research groups) visited the West 7th Community Center again in July 2007. The day started with a few demonstrations - including the very popular soda fountain, elephant toothpaste, and glow stick kinetics. Then, the kids rotated through 5 hands-on activities where they had fun and learned some chemistry. We ended the day by making liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Lindsay started two simultaneous soda fountains. Only a few kids ended up wet.

Bryce taught the kids about catalysts and chemical reactions when doing the "elephant toothpaste" demo.

Nate showed how temperature influences the rate of chemical reactions by cooling and heating chemiluminescent glow sticks.

Sara and Sarah did filter paper chromatography with the kids.

Shencheng and Nate used dry ice and liquid nitrogen to teach the kids about phases of matter.

Bryce and Lindsay ran the popular, and messy, polymer slime station.

Aaron and Hanna taught the kids about properties of polymers and synthesized some nylon.

Audrey and Daniel taught the kids about acids and bases with red cabbage indicator and solutions of household products.

These kids were great!

Of course, we ended the day by making liquid nitrogen ice cream.

It was a big group this year! The kids yelled "Chemistry Rules" as we took this picture.
Chemistry Day at West 7th Community Center, Summer 2006
The Haynes lab visited the West 7th Community Center in July 2006. The day started with a few demonstrations - including the very popular soda fountain. Then, the kids rotated through 6 hands-on activities where they had fun and learned some chemistry. We ended the day by making liquid nitrogen ice cream.

This is the West 7th Community Center where 50 kids participate in the "Summer in the City" Program.

Virginia is ready to make slime with the kids and teach them about polymers.

Karen is ready to teach the kids about acids and bases while they make plant-based indicators and test the pH of household solutions.

We started with some demonstrations and a short lecture about atoms and phases of matter.

Here, Shencheng and Eva talk to the kids about color and separations while doing some filter paper chromatography.

Bryce talks about atmospheric chemistry and pollution while demonstrating the reaction between ozone and terpenes.

Christy and the students use gold nanoparticle solutions as electrolyte sensors.

Adam and the kids explore the properties of dry ice and other unusual solids.

We end the day by making liquid nitrogen ice cream.