R. Lee Penn
Professor of Chemistry
University of Minnesota
B4, 139 Smith Hall
207 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 |
9/1998 - 4/2001 Post-doctoral
research position, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
8/1998 Ph.D. in Materials
Science, U. of Wisconsin - Madison.
6/1992 B.S. in Chemistry,
Beloit College, WI.
Academic Employment:
2017 - present: Director of Undergraduate Studies (Chemistry)
2015 - present: Professor, Chemistry, U. of Minnesota.
2008 - 2015: Associate
Professor, Chemistry, U. of Minnesota.
7/2001 - 2008: Assistant
Professor, Chemistry, U. of Minnesota.
also hold graduate appointments with Water Resources Science and Geology
and Geophysics.
9/1998 - 4/2001: Post-doctoral
researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
9/1999 - 12/2000: Adjunct
faculty, Chemistry, Towson University, Baltimore, MD.
9/1992 - 8/1998: Research
Assistant, Materials Science Program, U. of Wisconsin Madison.
Research Interests:
Environmental solid-state
chemistry - especially electron transfer reactions at the particle-solution interface
Geochemical cycling of natural and synthetic contaminants
(e.g., Arsenic)
Aggregation and Growth mechanisms of nanocrystalline particles
in suspension
The link between chemical reactivity and particle
size, shape, and microstructure
Magnetism of natural and synthetic nanoparticles
K-12 Chemical Education in the Particular Nature of Matter and Nanotechnology
Teaching Interests:
General Chemistry
3D Printing
Green Chemistry
Effective Allyship for Folks with Marginalized Identities
Peer-to-Peer Workshops to Improve Equity, Access, and Diversity in STEM Fields
Selected Awards and Honors:
Merck Professor (2017-2021)
Community Excellence Award (University of Minnesota’s Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life), 2017
Charlotte Striebel Equity Award, 2016
American Chemical Society Fellow, 2015
Distinguished University Teacher (2015)
The Horace T. Morse - University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, (2015)
Institute on the Environment Fellow
Award (2012)
George W. Taylor/IT Alumni Society Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2009
McKnight Presidential
Fellow (2008)
U of MN "George W. Taylor Career Development
Award" (2008)
Voted "Best professor in the Chemistry program" by
student in the Institute of Technology (2008)
U of MN "Thank a Teacher" Award (2007)
National Science Foundation CAREER award (2004-2009)
U of MN "Thank a Teacher" Award (2002)
Albert and Alice Weeks Best Student Research Papers
Award, 1999
MSA crystallography award, 1998
National Physical Science Consortium fellowship,
a six year award, 1992.

Email Lee