Environmental Solid State Chemistry - Nanocystalline Materials - Geochemical Cycling

Research People Publications Vita Teaching Characterization Facility


Ari Campanaro

Ari Campanaro

graduate student/p>


Gustavus Adolphus College

Kamilah Amen

Kamilah Amen

graduate student/p>

Materials for Treating Sulfide Contaminated Water

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Spencer Bingham

Spencer Bingham

graduate student (CEMS)

Materials for Treating Sulfide Contaminated Water

Carthage College

Ellen Monzo

Ellen Monzo

graduate student

Materials for Sustainable Energy

College of St. Benedict/St. John's Univ.

University of Minnesota -- Duluth

Maetzin Cruz Reyes

Maetzin Cruz Reyes

graduate student

Nanocrystal Growth and Transformations

Riverland Community College, A.A.

St Marys University MN, B.A. Biochemistry



Adel Soroush

graduate student

Reactivity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Sand Grains

Co-advised by Profs. Bill Arnold (CEGE) and Lee Penn (Chemistry)


Rebecca Combs

Rebecca Combs

graduate student

Victor Valley College, A.S.

University of California Irvine, B.S.

Metal Organic Frameworks and Green Perovskites for Energy Applications


Photo of Louis Corcoran

Louis Corcoran

graduate student

Northland College


Oil in Water Dispersions

Co-advised with Prof. McCormick


Photo of Anna Abfalterer

Clare Johnston

graduate student

College of Saint Benedict


Reactivity of nanoparticles in environmental systems

photo of Clare Johnston

Anna Abfalterer

graduate student

University of Innsbruck


Synthesis and characterization of 2D materials, M.S. in 2019

Currently a graduate student at the University of Cambridge

Photograph of Dr. Voelz and Lee Penn after Dr. Voelz's defense!

Jeanette Tensfeldt

graduate student

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities


Reactivity of iron-bearing nanoparticles in environmental systems

Tom Webber

Tom Webber

graduate student

University of Nebraska - Kearney


Green materials synthesis; PhD in 2019

Photo of Suyue

Dr. Suyue Chen

graduate student

Peking University


University of Minnesota - Twin Cities


Silver nanowire growth

Photo of Jen Degree


Dr. Jen Strehlau

University of Wisconsin - River Falls


University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Ph.D.

Reactivity of iron-bearing nanoparticles in environmental systems


T. Ryan Knutson

University of North Dakota Grand Forks,

B.S. Chemistry

Controlled growth of mixed transition metal sulfides for use in solar cells.


Photo of Alex

Dr. Alex Henrique Pinto

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities  Ph.D.

Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos

B.S. Chemistry

Controlled growth of mixed transition metal sulfides for use in solar cells



Dr. Jennifer Soltis

Mount Holyoke College

A.B. Chemistry

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Ph.D.

Jennifer has moved to Pacific Northwest National Labs, where she is a post-doc!

Physical Chemistry of crystal growth by aggregative mechanisms


Dr. Amanda Vindedahl

University of St. Thomas

B.S. Chemistry

Ph.D. in Chemistry at the U of MN - twin cities

Reactivity of iron-bearing nanoparticles in environmental systems

Amanda is currently a post-doc in the
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering.

Christopher Hale (Ph.D.)Kit Hale

Recent and current undergrads working in the Penn Group:
Spncer Bingham
Jake Drehmel
Kaelyn Stahovich
Kayla Lodico
Aastha Sharma
Jonathan Schultz
Sara Berndt
Jackie Harapan
Arafat Akintomiwa Akinlabi
Jeannette Tensfeldt
Abbie Mozzetti
Akintomiwa Akinlabi
Lindsay Hegner
Isabella Her (recent high school grad)
Parker Hanson
Ritesh Uppuluri
Rafael Roman
Vanessa Adamson
Monique Wickner
Nolan Weber
Arif Bakar
Alexander Holiday
Alexandre H Pinto
Alex Pepin
Jennifer Soltis (Mt. Holyoke)
David Mangiante
Christopher Hale
Josh Lee
Sutong Zhou

Photograph of Lee Penn at the Titan transmission electron microscope

Lee Penn, Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Chemistry)

Ph.D. and M.S. U of WI - Madison

B.S. Beloit College

Email Lee