Cryogenic transmission electron micrographs of iron oxide nanoparticles in vitrified water. The image on the left is a cryo-TEM of the freshly prepared nanoparticles after dialysis. The images on the right-hand side show mesocrystals composed of ca. 5 nm goethite nanoparticles in crystallographic alignment with respect to one another. This work is presented in Yuwono et al., 2010 and presented, for the first time, images of the intermediate proposed in the oriented aggregation crystal growth mechanism.
The Synthesis Science of Targeted Vapor-Phase Metal-Organic Framework Postmodification. Kim, I. S.; Ahn, S.; Vermeulen, N. A.; Webber, T. E.; Gallington, L. C.; Chapman, K. W.; Penn, R. L.; Hupp, J. T.; Farha, O. K.; Notestein, J. M.; Martinson, A. B. F., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (1), 242-250.
Selective Methane Oxidation to Methanol on Cu-Oxo Dimers Stabilized by Zirconia Nodes of an NU-1000 Metal-Organic Framework. Zheng, J.; Ye, J. Y.; Ortuno, M. A.; Fulton, J. L.; Gutierrez, O. Y.; Camaioni, D. M.; Motkuri, R. K.; Li, Z. Y.; Webber, T. E.; Mehdi, B. L.; Browning, N. D.; Penn, R. L.; Farha, O. K.; Hupp, J. T.; Truhlar, D. G.; Cramer, C. J.; Lercher, J. A., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (23), 9292-9304.
Quantitative Dissolution of Environmentally Accessible Iron Residing in Iron-Rich Minerals: A Review. Voelz, J. L.; Johnson, N. W.; Chun, C. L.; Arnold, W. A.; Penn, R. L., ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2019, 3 (8), 1371-1392.
Using Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Citrate Ions To Modify the Stability of Ag NPs in Ethylene Glycol.
Chen, S. Y.; Lee, H. B.; Penn, R. L., Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (19), 12444-12450.
Controlled Growth of Silver Nanoparticle Seeds Using Green Solvents.Chen, S.; Penn, R. L., Crystal Growth & Design 2019, 19 (8), 4332-4339.
Sinter-Resistant Platinum Catalyst Supported by Metal-Organic Framework, Kim, I.S., Z.Y. Li, J. Zheng, A.E. Platero-Prats, A. Mavrandonakis, S. Pellizzeri, M. Ferrandon, A. Vjunov, L.C. Gallington, T.E. Webber, N.A. Vermeulen, R.L. Penn, R.B. Getman, C.J. Cramer, K.W. Chapman, D.M. Camaioni, J.L. Fulton, J.A. Lercher, O.K. Farha, J.T. Hupp, and A.B.F. Martinson, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, (2018) 57, 909-913.
Application and Limitations of Nanocasting in Metal-Organic Frameworks, Malonzo, C.D., Z. Wang, J.X. Duan, W.Y. Zhao, T.E. Webber, Z.Y. Li, I.S. Kim, A. Kumar, A. Bhan, A.E. Platero-Prats, K.W. Chapman, O.K. Farha, J.T. Hupp, A.B.F. Martinson, R.L. Penn, and A. Stein, Inorganic Chemistry, (2018) 57, 2782-2790.
Redox-induced nucleation and growth of goethite on synthetic hematite nanoparticles, Voelz, J.L., W.A. Arnold, and R.L. Penn, American Mineralogist, (2018) 103, 1021-1029.
Extending the Compositional Range of Nanocasting in the Oxozirconium Cluster-Based Metal-Organic Framework NU-1000-A Comparative Structural Analysis, Zhao, W.Y., Z. Wang, C.D. Malonzo, T.E. Webber, A.E. Platero-Prats, F. Sotomayor, N.A. Vermeulen, T.C. Wang, J.T. Hupp, O.K. Farha, R.L. Penn, K.W. Chapman, M. Thommes, and A. Stein, Chemistry of Materials, (2018) 30, 1301-1315.
Synthesis of Cu-2(Zn1-xCox)SnS4 nanocrystals and formation of polycrystalline thin films from their aqueous dispersions, Pinto, A.H., S.W. Shin, A. Sharma, R.L. Penn, and E.S. Aydil, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2018) 6, 999-1008.
Elucidating the Role of AgCl in the Nucleation and Growth of Silver Nanoparticles in Ethylene Glycol, Chen, S.Y., J.L. Carey, D.R. Whitcomb, P. Buhlmann, and R.L. Penn, Crystal Growth & Design, (2018) 18, 324-330.
Role of a Modulator in the Synthesis of Phase-Pure NU-1000, Webber, T.E., W.G. Liu, S.P. Desai, C.C. Lu, D.G. Truhlar, and R.L. Penn, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2017) 9, 39342-39346.
Electron Mobility and Trapping in Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles, Soltis, J.A., A.M. Schwartzberg, P. Zarzycki, R.L. Penn, K.M. Rosso, and B. Gilbert, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, (2017) 1, 216-226.
Controlling Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) phase in microwave solvothermal synthesis, Pinto, A.H., S.W. Shin, E. Isaac, T.R. Knutson, E.S. Aydil, and R.L. Penn, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2017), 5, 23179-23189 (2017).
Assembly of dicobalt and cobalt-aluminum oxide clusters on metal-organic framework and nanocast silica supports, Sai Puneet Desai, Camille Malonza, Thomas Webber, JX Duan, Anthony B Thompson, Stephen J. Tereniak, Matthew R. DeStefano, Cassandra T. Buru, Zhanyong Li, R. Lee Penn, Omar K. Farha, Joseph T. Hupp, Andreas Stein, and Connie C. Lu, Faraday Discussions (2017), vol. 201, 299-314.
Electron Mobility and Trapping in Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles, Jennifer A. Soltis, Adam M. Schwartzberg, Piotr Zarzycki, R. Lee Penn, Kevin M. Rosso, and Benjamin Gilbert, ACS Earth Space Chem. (2017), vol
1(4), 216-226.
Effect of nonreactive kaolinite on 4-chloronitrobenzene reduction by Fe(II) in goethite-kaolinite heterogeneous suspensions, Strehlau, J.H., J.D. Schultz, A.M. Vindedahl, W.A. Arnold, and R.L. Penn, Environmental Science-Nano, (2017) 4, 325-334.
Accessible reactive surface area and abiotic redox reactivity of iron oxyhydroxides in acidic brines, Strehlau, J.H., B.M. Toner, W.A. Arnold, and R.L. Penn, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, (2017) 197, 345-355.
Quantifying Protein Concentrations Using Smartphone Colorimetry: A New Method for an Established Test, Gee, C.T., Kehoe, E., Pomerantz, W.C.K., and Penn, R.L., Journal of Chemical Education, (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00676.
Oriented attachment and non-classical formation in iron oxides. Penn, R. L.; Li, D.; Soltis, J. A., In Iron Oxides: From Nature to Applications, Faivre, D., Ed. (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim); (2016) p 350.
Quantifying Gold Nanoparticle Concentration in a Dietary Supplement Using Smartphone Colorimetry and Google Applications, Campos, A.R., C.M. Knutson, T.R. Knutson, A.R. Mozzetti, C.L. Haynes, and R.L. Penn, Journal of Chemical Education, (2016) 93, 318-321.
Nucleation of FAU and LTA Zeolites from Heterogeneous Aluminosilicate Precursors, Oleksiak, M.D., J.A. Soltis, M.T. Conato, R.L. Penn, and J.D. Rimer, Chemistry of Materials, (2016) 28, 4906-4916.
Selective removal of Cu2-x(S,Se) phases from Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4) thin films, Pinto, A.H., S.W. Shin, E.S. Aydil, and R.L. Penn, Green Chemistry, (2016) 18, 5814-5821.
A kinetic model for two-step phase transformation of hydrothermally treated nanocrystalline anatase, Sabyrov, K. and R.L. Penn, Crystengcomm, (2016) 18, 3033-3039.
Phase Transformation and Particle-Mediated Growth in the Formation of Hematite from 2-Line Ferrihydrite, Soltis, J.A., J.M. Feinberg, B. Gilbert, and R.L. Penn, Crystal Growth & Design, (2016) 16, 922-932.
Facet-Dependent Oxidative Goethite Growth As a Function of Aqueous Solution Conditions, Strehlau, J.H., M.S. Stemig, R.L. Penn, and W.A. Arnold, Environmental Science & Technology, (2016) 50, 10406-10412.
Installing Heterobimetallic Cobalt-Aluminum Single Sites on a Metal Organic Framework Support, Thompson, A.B., D.R. Pahis, V. Bernales, L.C. Gallington, C.D. Malonzo, T. Webber, S.J. Tereniak, T.C. Wang, S.P. Desai, Z.Y. Li, I.S. Kim, L. Gagliardi, R.L. Penn, K.W. Chapman, A. Stein, O.K. Farha, J.T. Hupp, A.B.F. Martinson, and C.C. Lu, Chemistry of Materials, (2016) 28, 6753-6762.
Thermal Stabilization of Metal–Organic Framework-Derived Single-Site Catalytic Clusters Through Nanocasting, Malonzo, C.; Shaker, S.; Ren, L.; Prinslow, S.; Platero-Prats, A.; Borycz, J.; Thompson, A.; Wang, T.; Farha, O.; Hupp, J.; Lu, C.; Chapman, K.; Myers, J.; Penn, R. L.; Gagliardi, L.; Tsapatsis, M.; Stein, A.; (2016). Journal of the American Chemical Society, accepted.
Character of Humic Substances as a Predictor for Goethite Nanoparticle Reactivity and Aggregation, Vindedahl AM, Stemig MS, Arnold WA, Penn RL.( 2016) Environmental Science
and Technology, 50(3):1200-8. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04136.
Cation-Dependent Hierarchical Assembly of U60 Nanoclusters into Macro-Ion Assemblies Imaged via Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy, Soltis, J. A.; Wallace, C. M.; Penn, R. L.; Burns, P. C., (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, pp. 191-198.
Evaluation of magnetic heating of asymmetric magnetite particles, Yao, X.; Sabyrov, K.; Klein, T.; Penn, R. L.; Wiedmann, T. S., (2015) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 381, pp. 21-27.
Impact of Pahokee Peat humic acid and buffer identity on goethite aggregation and reactivity, Vindedahl, A. M.; Arnold, W. A.; Penn, R. L., (2015) Environmental Science: Nano, 2, pp. 509-517.
A Fresh Look at the Crystal Violet Lab with Handheld Camera Colorimetry, Theodore R. Knutson, Cassandra M. Knutson, Abbie R. Mozzetti, Antonio R. Campos, Christy L. Haynes, and R. Lee Penn. (2015) Journal of Chemical Education, DOI: 10.1021/ed500876y.
Interface-mediated phase transformation in nanocrystalline particles: the case of the TiO2 allotropes, Sabyrov, K. & Penn, R. L. (2015) Crystengcomm, 17, 2062-2069.
Evaluation of magnetic heating of asymmetric magnetite particles, Yao, X., Sabyrov, K., Klein, T., Penn, R. L. & Wiedmann, T. S. (2015) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 381, 21-27.
Goethite nanoparticle aggregation: effects of buffers, metal ions, and 4-chloronitrobenzene reduction, Stemig, A. M., Do, T.A., Yuwono, V. M., Arnold, W. A. & Penn, R. L. (2014) Environmental Science-Nano, 1, 478-487.
Simple and Efficient Separation of Magnetic Minerals from Speleothems and Other Carbonates, Strehlau, J. H., Hegner, L. A., Strauss, B. E., Feinberg, J. M. & Penn, R. L. (2014) Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84, 1096-1106.
Nanocrystal growth via oriented attachment, Zhang, H., Penn, R. L., Lin, Z. & Coelfen, H. (2014) Crystengcomm, 16, 1407-1408.
Synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films directly onto conductive substrates via selective thermolysis using microwave energy, T. Ryan Knutson, Parker J. Hanson, Eray S. Aydil, and R. Lee Penn (2014) Chem. Commun., 50(44):5902-4. doi: 10.1039/c3cc49207a.
Crystalline Nanoparticle Aggregation in Non-Aqueous Solvents, Nathan D. Burrows, Ellina Kesselman, Kairat Sabyrov, Amanda Stemig, Yeshayahu Talmon, and R. Lee Penn (2014) Cryst. Eng. Comm., 16, 1472-1481.
Two-Step Phase Transformation of Anatase to Rutile in Aqueous Suspension, Kairat Sabyrov, Vanessa Adamson, and R. Lee Penn (2014) Cryst. Eng. Comm., 16, 1488-1495.
Characterizing Crystal Growth by Oriented Aggregation, R. Lee Penn and Jennifer A. Soltis (2014) Cryst. Eng. Comm., 16, 1409-1418.
Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment: Kinetic Models and Control Factors, Xiaogang Xue, R. Lee Penn, Edson Roberto Leite, Feng Huang, and Zhang Li, (2014) Cryst. Eng. Comm., 16, 1419-1429.
The origin of magnetic remanence in stalagmites: Observations from electron microscopy and rock magnetism, Strauss, B.E., Strehlau, J.H., Feinberg, J.M., Penn, R.L. (2013) Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 5006–5025.
Effect of pH on the Kinetics of Crystal Growth by Oriented Aggregation, Burrows, N. D.; Hale, C. R. H.; Penn, R. L., (2013) Crystal Growth & Design, 13, 3396-3403.
A disordered nanoparticle model for 6-line ferrihydrite, Gilbert, B.; Erbs, J. J.; Penn, R. L.; Petkov, V.; Spagnoli, D.; Waychunas, G. A., (2013) American Mineralogist, 98, 1465-1476.
Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy: Aqueous Suspensions of Nanoscale Objects Microscopy and Microanalysis, Nathan D Burrows and R Lee Penn (2013), Microscopy and Microanalysis, DOI:10.1017/S1431927613013354.
Introducing Colorimetric Analysis with Camera Phones and Digital Cameras: An Activity for High School or General Chemistry, Kehoe, E.; Penn, R. L., (2013) Journal of Chemical Education, 90, 1191–1195.
Size-Dependent Anatase to Rutile Phase Transformation and Particle Growth, Kairat Sabyrov, Nathan D. Burrows, and R. Lee Penn (2013) Chemistry of Materials, 25, 1408-1415 DOI: 10.1021/cm302129a.
Aggregation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles in aqueous systems, Virany M. Yuwono, Nathan D. Burrows, Jennifer A. Soltis, Tram Anh Do, and R. Lee Penn (2012) Faraday Discussions, in press.
Effect of Ionic Strength on the Kinetics of Crystal Growth by Oriented Aggregation, Nathan D. Burrows, Christopher R. H. Hale, and R. Lee Penn (2012) Crystal Growth and Design, DOI: 10.1021/cg3004849 Article ASAP.
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism provides strong evidence for tetrahedral iron in ferrihydrite, Guyodo, Yohan; Sainctavit, Philippe; Arrio, Marie-Anne; et al. (2012) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13 Q06Z44 DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004182.
On the nucleation and crystallization of silicalite-1 from a dilute clear sol, Kumar, S.; Penn, R. L.; Tsapatsis, M. (2011) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 144 (1-3), 74-81.
Size-Dependent Bandgap of Nanogoethite, Zhang, H.; Bayne, M.; Fernando, S.; Legg, B.; Zhu, M.; Penn, R. L.; Banfield, J. F. (2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (36), 17704-17710.
Controlling heterogenite particle morphology and microstructure by varying synthetic conditions, Jason C. Myers, R. Lee Penn (2011) Materials Research Bulletin, 46(5), 649-657.
Sub-40 nm Zeolite Suspensions via Disassembly of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Mesoporous-Imprinted Silicalite-1, P.S. Lee, X.Y. Zhang, J.A. Stoeger, A. Malek, W. Fan, S. Kumar, W.C. Yoo, S. Al Hashimi, R.L. Penn, A. Stein, M.Tsapatsis (2011) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, 493-502.
Separation, characterization and initial reaction studies of magnetite particles from Hanford sediments, D. R. Baer, A. E. Grosz, E. S. Ilton, K. M. Krupka, J. Liu, R. L. Penn, and A. Pepin (2010), Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 233-241.
Tracking Surface Evolution Using Ligand-Assisted Dissolution of Cobalt Oxyhydroxide Jason C. Myers and R. Lee Penn (2010), Langmuir, Article ASAP.
Self-reversal of magnetization in oceanic submarine basalts studied with XMCD, Carvallo, C., P. Sainctavit, M.-A. Arrio, Y. Guyodo, R. L. Penn, B. Forsberg, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, and A. Smekhova (2010) Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L11306, doi:10.1029/2010GL043390.
Characterization and Reactivity of Iron Nanoparticles prepared with added Cu, Pd, and Ni, Chan Lan Chun, Donald R. Baer, Dean W. Matson, James E. Amonette and R. Lee Penn (2010) Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (13), pp 5079–5085.
Chemical Transformations during Aging of Zerovalent Iron Nanoparticles in the Presence of Common Groundwater Dissolved Constituents, Brian C. Reinsch, Brady Forsberg, R. Lee Penn, Christopher S. Kim and Gregory V. Lowry (2010) Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (9), pp 3455–3461.
Oriented Aggregation: Formation and Transformation of Mesocrystal Intermediates Revealed, Yuwono, VM; Burrows, ND; Soltis JA; and Penn, RL (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society, ASAP publication date 29 January 2010.
Quantifying the Kinetics of Crystal Growth by Oriented Aggregation, Burrows, ND; Yuwono, VM; and Penn, RL (2010) Materials Research Society Bulletin, 35, 133-137 (invited and peer reviewed review article in a special issue titled "Lessons from Nature--Biomimetic Approaches to Minerals with Complex Structures") .
Reductive Dissolution of Arsenic-Bearing Ferrihydrite, Erbs, JJ; Berquó, TS; Reinsch, BC; Lowry, GV; Banerjee, SK; and Penn, RL (2010) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3382-3395.
Effects of magnetic interactions in antiferromagnetic ferrihydrite particles, Berquo, TS; Erbs, JJ; Lindquist, A; Penn, RL; Banerjee, SK (2009) Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 21: DI 10.1088/0953-8984/21/17/176005.
Influence of Ionic Strength, pH, and Cation Valence on Aggregation
Kinetics of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles, French, RA;
Jacobson, AR;
Kim, B;
Isley, SL;
Penn, RL;
Baveye, PC (2009) Environmental Science and Technology, 43: 1354-1359.
Zinc oxide nanoparticle growth from homogenous solution: Influence of
Zn:OH, water concentration, and surfactant additives, Ratkovich, A;
Penn, RL (2009) Materials Research Bulletin, 44: 993-998.
Growth Patterns and Shape Development of Zeolite Nanocrystals in
Confined Syntheses, Yoo, WC;
Kumar, S;
Penn, RL;
Tsapatsis, M;
Stein, A (2009) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131: 12377-12383.
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: Impact of Increasing Ionic Strength
During Synthesis, Reflux and, Hydrothermal Aging, S. L. Isley, David
S. Jordan, and R. L. Penn (2009), Materials Research Bulletin, 44:
Influence of Size on Reductive Dissolution of Six-Line Ferrihydrite,
Jasmine J. Erbs, Benjamin Gilbert, and R. Lee Penn (2008), Journal
of Physical Chemistry C, 112: 12127-12133.
A Structural Resolution Cryo-TEM Study of the Early Stages of MFI
Growth, Sandeep Kumar, Zhuopeng Wang, R. Lee Penn, and Michael
Tsapatsis (2008), Journal of the American Chemical Society,
130(51): 17284-17286.
Nanoscale reactor engineering: hydrothermal synthesis of uniform
zeolite particles in massively parallel reaction chambers, Won
Cheol Yoo, Sandeep Kumar, Zhiyong Wang, Nicholas S. Ergang, Wei
Fan,; Georgios
N. Karanikolos, Alon V. McCormick, R. Lee Penn, Michael Tsapatsis,
and Andreas Stein, (2008) Angewandte Chemie, International
47(47): 9096-9099.
Hierarchical nanofabrication of microporous crystals with ordered
mesoporosity Wei Fan, Mark A. Snyder, Sandeep Kumar, Pyung-Soo
Lee, Won Cheol Yoo, Alon V. McCormick, R.Lee Penn, Andreas Stein,
Michael Tsapatsis, (2008) Nature Materials, 7(12): 984-991.
Aging of iron nanoparticles in water: Effects on structure and reactivity. In International Environmental Nanotechnology Conference: Applications and Implications, Tratnyek, P., G.; Sarathy, V.; Nurmi, J. T.; Baer, D. R.; Amonette, J. E.; Chun, C. L.; Penn, R. L.; Reardon, E. J., (7-9 October 2008), Chicago, IL, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2009, Vol. EPA 905-R09-032, pp. 193-196 (peer reviewed proceedings).
Tuning the properties of iron nanoparticles: Doping effects on reactivity and aging. In International Environmental Nanotechnology Conference: Applications and Implications Baer, D. R.; Tratnyek, P. G.; Amonette, J. E.; Chun, C. L.; Nachimuthu, P.; Nurmi, J. T.; Penn, R. L.; Matson, D. W.; Linehan, J. C.; Qiang, Y.; Sharma, A., (7-9 October 2008), Chicago, IL, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2009, Vol. EPA 905-R09-032, pp. 73-78 (peer reviewed proceedings).
Controlling Oriented Aggregation using Increasing Reagent Concentrations
and Trihalo Acetic Acid Surfactants, A. S. Ratkovich and R. L. Penn
(2008), Journal
of Solid State Chemistry, 181: 1600-1608.
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Growth from Homogenous Solution: Influence
of Zn:OH, Water Concentration, and Surfactant Additives, A. S. Ratkovich
and R. L. Penn, in press with the Materials Research Bulletin.
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: Effect of Sol-Gel pH on Phase Composition,
Particle Size, and Particle Growth Mechanism, S. L. Isley and R.
L. Penn (2008), Journal of Physical Chemistry
C, 112, 4469-4474.
Nanominerals, Mineral Nanoparticles, and Earth Chemistry. Michael
F. Hochella, Jr., Steven K. Lower, Patricia A. Maurice, R. Lee Penn,
Nita Sahai, Donald L. Sparks, Benjamin S. Twining (2008), Science,
319: 1631-1635.
Aging of iron nanoparticles in aqueous solution: Effects on structure
and reactivity. Sarathy, Vaishnavi, Tratnyek, Paul G, Nurmi, James
T., Baer, Donald R., Amonette, James E., Chun, Chan Lan, Penn, R.
Lee, Reardon, Eric J. (2008), Journal of Physical Chemistry
C, 112: 2286-2293
Layer structure preservation during swelling, pillaring, and exfoliation
of a zeolite precursor. Maheshwari, Sudeep, Jordan, Edgar, Kumar,
Sandeep, Bates, Frank S., Penn, R. Lee, Shantz, Daniel F., Tsapatsis,
Michael (2008). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130:
Controlling Nanosized ZnO Growth Kinetics using Various Zn:OH Concentration
Ratios. A. S. Ratkovich and R. L. Penn (2007), Journal of
Physical Chemistry C., 111: 14098-14104.
Size Dependent Kinetics of Oriented Aggregation. R. L. Penn, K. Tanaka,
and J. J. Erbs (2007), Journal of Crystal Growth, 309: 97-102.
Resolving an elusive structure. R. L. Penn (2007), Science,
Evolving Surface Reactivity of Cobalt Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles.
J. C. Myers and R. L. Penn (2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry
C, 111: 10597-10602.
Influence of Aluminum Substitution on the Reactivity of Magnetite
Nanoparticles. T. Jentzsch, C.L. Chun, R. S. Gabor, and R. L. Penn
(2007), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111:10247-10253.
High Crystallinity Si-Ferrihydrite: An Insight into its Néel
Temperature and Size Dependence of Magnetic properties. T.
S. Berquó, S. K. Banerjee, R. G. Ford, R. L. Penn, and T.
Pichler (2007), Journal of Geophysical Research, 112:B02102/1-B02102/12.
Aggregative Growth of Silicalite-1. S. Kumar, T. M. Davis,
H. Ramanan, R. L. Penn, and M. Tsapatsis (2007), Journal of Physical
Chemistry B, 111:3398-3403.
The Adsorption of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate onto Sand, Clay, and Iron Oxide
Surfaces. R. L. Johnson, A. J. Anschutz, J. M. Smolen, M. F. Simcik,
and R. L. Penn (2007), Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 52:1156-1161.
Influence of Ionic Strength on Brookite Content in Sol-Gel Synthesized Titania
before and after Hydrothermal Aging. S. L. Isley, E. R. Anderson, and
R. L. Penn (2006), Electrochemical Society Transactions, 9:37.
Controlled growth of alpha-FeOOH nanorods by exploiting oriented
aggregation. R. Lee Penn, J. Erbs, and D. Gulliver, (2006). Journal
of Cyrstal Growth, 293:1-4.
Rock Magnetic, Chemical, and Bacterial Community Analysis of a Modern
Soil from Nebraska. Y. Guyodo, T. M. LaPara, Amy J. Anschutz,
R. L. Penn, , S. K. Banerjee, C. E. Geiss, and W. Zanner (2006), Earth
and Planetary Science Letters 251: 168-178
Relative Brookite and Anatase Content in Sol-Gel
Synthesized Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles. Sara Isley and R. Lee
Penn, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110:15134-15139.
Influence of Aluminum Doping on Ferrihydrite
Nanoparticle Reactivity. Teresa Jentzsch and R. Lee Penn (2006), Journal
of Physical Chemistry B, 110:3299-3304.
Kinetic and Microscopic Studies of Reductive
Transformations of Organic Contaminants on Goethite. C. L. Chun,
R. L. Penn, and W. A. Arnold (2006), Environmental Science
and Technology, 40: 3299-3304.
Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Six-Line Ferrihydrite
Nanoparticles. Y. Guyodo, S. K. Banerjee, R. L. Penn, D.
J. Burleson, T. S. Berquo, T. Seda, and P. Solheid (2006), Physics
of the Earth and Planetary Interior, special issue on “Developments
in Techniques and Methods Related to Rock Magnetism,” 154: 222-233.
Mechanistic Principles of Nanoparticle Evolution
to Zeolite Crystals. T. M. Davis, T. O. Drews, H. Ramanan, C. He,
H. Schnablegger, M. A. Katsoulakis, E. Kokkoli, R. L. Penn, and
M. Tsapatsis (2006), Nature Materials, 5: 400-408.
Building a Successful Middle School Outreach
Effort: Microscopy Camp 2005. R. L. Penn, L. Flynn, and P. Johnson. Journal
of Chemical Education (accepted - expected publication
date is early 2007 - please feel invited to request a pre-print
by email).
Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Six-Line Ferrihydrite
Nanoparticles. Y. Guyodo, S. K. Banerjee, R. L. Penn, D. J. Burleson,
T. S. Berquo, T. Seda, and P. Solheid (2006), Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interior special issue on “Developments
in Techniques and Methods Related to Rock Magnetism,” 154:
Two-Step Growth of Goethite from Ferrihydrite.
D. J. Burleson and R. L. Penn (2006), Langmuir;
Reduction of Crystalline Iron (III) Oxyhydroxides
Using Hydroquinone: Influence of Phase and Particle Size. A. J.
Anschutz and R. L. Penn (2005), Geochemical Transactions,
On the Characterization of Environmental Nanoparticles.
D. J. Burleson, M. D. Driessen, and R. L. Penn (2004) an invited
review article for the Journal of Environmental Science
and Health Part A, A39:2707-2753. (invited and peer-reviewed
Characterization and Properties of Metallic
Iron Nanoparticles: Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, and Kinetics.
J. T. Nurmi, P. G. Tratnyek, V. Sarathy, D. R. Baer, J. E. Amonette,
K. H. Pecher, C. Wang, J. C. Linehan, D. W. Matson, R. L. Penn,
and M. D. Driessen (2005) Nanoscale Environmental Science and Technology
Issue of Environmental Science and Technology,
Kinetics of Oriented Aggregation. R. L. Penn
(2004) Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108:12707-12712.
From Nanodots to Nanorods: Oriented Aggregation
and Magnetic Evolution of Nanocrystalline Goethite. Y. Guyodo,
A. Mostrom, R. L. Penn, and S. K. Banerjee (2003) Geophysical
Research Letters, 30, 19-1 - 19-4.
The Growth Kinetics of TiO2 Nanoparticles from
Titanium(IV) Alkoxide at High Water/Titanium Ratio. G. Oskam, A.
Nellore, R. L. Penn, and P. C. Searson (2003) Journal of
Physical Chemistry B, 107, 1734-1738.
The Influence of Anion on the Coarsening Kinetics
of ZnO nanoparticles. Z. S. Hu, G. Oskam, R. L. Penn, N. Pesika,
and P. C. Searson (2003) Journal of Physical Chemistry
B, 107, 3124-3130.
Coarsening of metal oxide nanoparticles. G.
Oskam, Z. S. Hu, R. L. Penn, N. Pesika, and P. C. Searson (2002) Physical
Review E, 66, art. no. 011403 (4 pages).
Epitaxial Assembly in Aged Colloids. R. L. Penn,
G. Oskam, T. J. Strathmann, P. C. Searson, A. T. Stone, and D.
R. Veblen (2001) Journal of Physical Chemistry, B,
105, 2177-2182.
Defects and disorder: Probing the surface chemistry
of heterogenite (CoOOH) by dissolution using hydroquinone and iminodiacetic
acid. R. L. Penn, A. T. Stone, and D. R. Veblen (2001) Journal
of Physical Chemistry, 105, 4690-4697.
"Iron Oxide" Coatings on Sand Grains from the
Atlantic Coastal Plain: HRTEM Characterization. R. L. Penn, C.
Zhu, H. Xu, and D. R. Veblen (2001) Geology, 29,
Condensation and Commentary of "Discrete Atom
Imaging of One-Dimensional Crystals Formed Within Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes" by R. R. Meyer et al., (2000) Science 289,
1324-1326; CHEMTRACTS -- Inorganic Chemistry,
volume 13, pages 825-827.
Preferential dissolution along misoriented boundaries
in heterogenite. R. L. Penn, A. T. Stone, D. R. Veblen. In the
Materials Research Society Proceedings for SYMPOSIUM M: Morphology
and Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces in Complex Molecular Systems,
in press.
Exchange Coupling in Epitaxial CoO/NiFe Bilayers
with Compensated and Uncompensated Interfacial Spin Structures.
N. J. Gökemeijer, R. L. Penn, D. R. Veblen, and C. L. Chien, Physical
Review, B, 63 (17): art. no. 174422, May, 2001.
Aggregation-based crystal growth and microstructure
development in natural iron oxyhydroxide biomineralization products.
J.F. Banfield, S.A. Welch, H.Z. Zhang, T.T. Ebert, R.L. Penn (2000) Science,
289, 751-754.
Imperfect oriented attachment: Dislocation generation
in defect-free nanocrystals. J. F. Banfield and R. L. Penn (1998) Science,
281, 969-971.
The anatase to rutile phase transformation:
Nucleation at {112} anatase twin boundaries. R. L. Penn and J.
F. Banfield (1999) American Mineralogist, 84,
Morphology development and crystal growth in
nanocrystalline aggregates under hydrothermal conditions: Insights
from titania. R.L. Penn and J.F. Banfield (1999) Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta, 63, 1549-1557.
Oriented attachment and growth, twinning, polytypism,
and formation of metastable phases: Insights from nanocrystalline
TiO2. R.L. Penn and J.F. Banfield (1998) American Mineralogist,
83, 1077-1082.
Enhanced adsorption of molecules on surfaces
of nanocrystalline particles.
H.Z. Zhang, R.L. Penn, R.J. Hamers, and J.F. Banfield (1999) Journal
of Physical Chemistry B 103, 4656-4662.
TEM investigation of Lewiston, Idaho Fibrolite:
Implications for grain boundary energetics and Al2SiO5 phase relations.
R. L. Penn, J. F. Banfield, and D. M. Kerrick (1999) American
Mineralogist, 84, 152-159.
Synthesis of nanocrystalline Barium Hexaferrite
from nanocrystalline goethite using the hydrothermal method. R.
L. Penn, J. F. Banfield, J. Voigt; Proceedings of the 1996
Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society SYMPOSIUM S:
Aqueous Chemistry and Geochemistry of Oxides, Oxyhydroxides, and
Related Materials, 432, 175-181.
Mechanical properties of metals: Experiments
with steel, copper, tin, zinc, and soap bubbles. M. Geselbracht,
A. Ellis, R. Penn, and G. Lisensky (1994) Journal of Chemical
Education, 71, 254-61.
Periodic properties in a family of common semiconductors:
Experiment with light emitting diodes. G. Lisensky, R. Penn, M.
Geselbracht, and A. Ellis (1992) Journal of Chemical Education,
69, 151-6.
Electro-optical evidence for the chelate effect
at semiconductor surfaces. G. Lisensky, R. Penn, C. Murphy, and
A. Ellis (1990) Science, 248, 840-843.

Penn Group Summer 2017