Connecting Molecular Structure and Exciton Diffusion Length in Rubrene Derivatives Properties
Mullenbach, T. K.; McGarry, K. A.; Luhman, W. A.; Douglas, C. J.*; Holmes, R. J.* Adv. Mater. Early View.Rubrene-Based Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductors: Synthesis, Electronic Structure, and Charge-Transport Properties
McGarry, K. A.; Xie, W.; Sutton, C.; Risko, C.; Wu, Y.; Young, V. G.; Brédas, J.‑L.; Frisbie, C. D.; Douglas, C. J. Chem. Mater. ASAP.Mobility Transistors Based on Single Crystals of Isotopically Substituted Rubrene‑ d28
Xie, W.; McGarry, K. A.; Liu, F.; Wu, Y.; Ruden, P. P.; Douglas, C. J.; Frisbie, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. C ASAP.Katie McGarry collaborates with coauthors Tyler Mullenback and Wade Luhman from the Holmes Group on their manuscript, "Connecting Molecular Structure and Exciton Diffusion Length in Rubrene Derivatives" published in Advanced Materials. Read it. (June 10)
Vicki Chemistruck and Zhongda Pan present their research at our the Department of Chemistry's 12th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. (June 4)
Welcome to Diana Cedillo, a summer REU student from the University of Texas - Pan American and Nicholas Serratore, a graduate transfer student from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. (June 3)
Sarah Wegwerth gives an oral presentation of her research at the annual IPrime meeting. Vicki Chemistruck and Katie McGarry give poster presentations. (May 29)
Katie McGarry and Victor Young, Jr. with collaborators Wei Xie and Yanfei Wu from the Frisbie Group, and Christopher Sutton and Chad Risko from the Brédas Group are co-authors on their manuscript, "Rubrene-Based Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductors: Synthesis Electronic Structure, and Charge-Transport Properties" published in Chemistry of Materials. Read it. (May 28)
Welcome to Claire Simpson, a high school student from Breck School, who is joining our research efforts this summer. Claire will be working with Sarah Pound. (May 21)
Congratulations to Joy Zhou on completing her Bachelor's Degree. (May 18)
Katie McGarry coauthors with Wei Xie and Yanfei Wu from the Frisbie Group, and Feilong Liu from the Ruden Group on their manuscript, "High-Mobility Transistors Based on Single Crystals of Isotopically Subsituted Rubrene-d28" published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Read it. (May 14)
Undergraduates Dylan Walsh and Billy Ogden have received Heisig/Gleysteen Summer Research Fellowships to conduct research over the summer of 2013. (May 8)
Chris Douglas presents the group's research at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. (May 3)
Lots of students in the group head to New Orleans for the ACS National Meeting. (April 7‑11)
Graduate student Naveen Rondla and post-doc Dr. Jodi Ogilvie gave oral presentations on their work in catalysis.
Undergraduate Dylan Walsh gave a poster presentation on his work on asymmetric catalysis.
Graduate students Katie McGarry and Vicki Chemistruck gave poster presentations on their work on small molecule based materials for organic electronics.
Chris Douglas presents the group's research in catalysis at the Ohio State University in Columbus. (April 9)