The group welcomes Shengyang Wang and Matt Eastwood as first-year graduate students. Shengyang joins us from Tongui University. Matt hails from MidAmerica Nazarene University. (November 24)
Giang Hoang, Zhongda Pan, and Jason Brethorst coauthor “Intramolecular oxyacylation of alkenes using a hydroxyl directing group” in The Journal of Organic Chemistry. (November 4)
Group members celebrate Halloween with a potluck at the Douglas’s house. (October 31)
I. M. Kolthoff’s contributions are designated as an ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark. Sadie Otte and Lafe Purvis assist with tours of the lab as part of the celebration. (September 12–13)
The group welcomes Mingzhe Huang and Nate Lawdenski as undergraduate researchers. Nick Serratore and Zhuoran Zhang will be mentoring Nate and Mingzhe respectively.
Ashley Dreis defended her thesis, “Carbon–Carbon Sigma Bond Activation: Functionalizing C–C and C–CN Bonds via Carboacylation and Cyanoamidation.” Dr. Dreis will be moving to Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP to work on intellectual property. (August 25)
Sadie Otte, Sarah Pound, Zhuoran Zhang, Lafe Purvis, Nick Serratore, Jason Brethorst, and Chris Douglas led a variety of hands‑on chemistry activites with preschoolers at Miniapple International Montessori. Read more. (August 13)
Chris Douglas serves as a facilitator and mentor at the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative New Faculty Workshop hosted by the ACS in Washington DC. (July 31–August 2)
Zhongda Pan presents his research at the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Student Research Symposium in Irvine, CA. (July 25–28)
The group celebrates with its third annual camping trip. (July 25–27)
Chris Douglas and Dr. Letitia Yao, director of the NMR facility, received a UMN Research Infrastructure Reinvestment Program Grant. Two new 400 MHz spectrometers will replace four aging instruments. (July 9)
Matt Eastwood, an incoming graduate student from MidAmerica Nazarene University, will be working with the Douglas Group for the summer. (July 8)
Naveen Rondla, Jodi Ogilvie, and Zhongda Pan coauthor "Palladium catalyzed intramolecular acylcyanation of alkenes using α‑iminonitriles" in Chemical Communications. (June 30)
Nick Serratore passed his oral exam. (June 27)
Sarah Wegwerth received a Bunsen and Beaker award for the best presentation in her section. (June 10)
Sarah Pound, Jason Brethorst, and Sarah Wegwerth presented their research at the Third Year Research Symposium. (June 10)
Matt Bruzek and Billy Ogden presented their research at IPrime. (May 28)
Chris Douglas was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. (May 27)
Yong Guan will be a postdoctoral associate with the Nagorny Group, University of Michigan. (May 26)
Congratulations to Billy Ogden, who earned his B.S. in Chemistry and will be heading to the Department of Chemistry, University of California at Irvine. (May 16)
Congratulations to Dylan Walsh, who earned his B.E. in Chemical Engineering, B.S. in Chemistry, and minor in math. He will be headed to the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (May 16)
Jodi Ogilvie will be a Chemical Hygiene Officer with University of Minnesota's Department of Environmental Health and Safety. (May 10)
Zhongda Pan, Sarah Pound, and Naveen Rondla co-author "Intramolecular Aminocyanation of Alkenes by N–CN Bond Cleavage," published in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition. (April 9)
Chris Douglas received a George Taylor Career Development Award for exceptional contributions to teaching. (April 4)
Sadie Otte passed her oral exam. (March 27)
Ashley Dreis and Chris Douglas co-author a book chapter, "Carbon–Carbon Bond Activation with 8-Acylquinolines" in Topics in Current Chemistry. (March 26)
Several group members head to Dallas for the National ACS Meeting (March 16–19)
Chris Douglas gave an oral presentation on C–H activation.
Zhongda Pan, Billy Ogden, and Dylan Walsh gave poster presentations on aminocyanation, oxyacylation, and rubrene derivatives, respectively.
Grant Frost has passed his qualifying exam. (February 12)
Naveen Rondla will be starting his new position at Forest Laboratories in New York. (January 27)