Nick successfully defends his thesis, "Method Development and Mechanistic Insights into Palladium-Catalyzed C–CN Bond Activation and Iridium-Catalyzed Sequential C–O/C–H Bond Activation Reactions". Congratulations, Dr. Serratore! (December 6).
Chris coauthors with Renee Frontiera on the use of femtosecond raman microscopy to probe the electronic properties of rubrenes. Read the work at J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
Casey Carpenter joins the group.
Happy Halloween from the Douglas Group! (October 31).
Henry joins the Douglas group as an undergraduate volunteer. (October 30).
To support the Nutritious U Food Pantry, the Chemistry department threw a Chili cookoff. On top of $351 being raised, Chris and Nick both brought great chilis. Shout out to Chris for winning, and being crowned King of the Chili! (October 17).
Sadie defends her thesis "Studies Toward the Total Syntheses of (–)-Quebrachamine and (±)-Eburnamonine via Intramolecular Cyanoamidation". Congratulations, Dr. Otte! (October 18).
Chris presents the group's work at CSU Chico, complete with a mini-reunion with group alum Dan Everson! (October 5).
Chris presents the group's work at 3M. (September 20)
Steve Underwood wins the Robert L. Ferm Oustanding Graduate TA Award for his work teaching in the 2016–2017 academic year. Congratulations, Steve! (September 7)
The Douglas Group enjoyed a great pre-Labor Day cookout at Matthews Park! (September 1)
Chris helps facilitate at the ACS hosted Cottrell Scholar Collaborative New Faculty Workshop in Washington DC. (August 3-5)
Jason Brethorst defends his thesis “Development of Carbon–Carbon, Carbon–Nitrogen, and Carbon–Hydrogen Bond Functionalization Methodologies and Efforts Toward the Total Synthesis of Dragmacidin E”. Congratulations, Dr. Brethorst! (August 2)
Sarah Wegwerth defends her thesis “Studies into the Synthesis of Cyclacenes”. Congratulations, Dr. Wegwerth! (July 27)
Connie Anderson presents her work at GLRM 2017 (June 28).
The Douglas & Topczewski labs go camping! Campfire cooking, yard games, canoeing, cards, and Grant Frost’s newly-minted Hawaiian Derby combine for an awesome trip. (June 9-11)
Graduate students Shengyang Wang and Matt Eastwood present at Minnesota’s annual 3rd year symposium. (June 6)
We bid farewell to Elizabeth Alonzi, who is leaving to do research in her major with Prof. Brett Barney in the Department of Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering. Stay awesome, Elizabeth!
Sadie & Kellen Otte welcome baby Ash into their lives. Congratulations, Sadie! (May 6)
We welcome undergraduate Kelly Mitzel to the lab as a volunteer. (April 28)
We welcome high schooler Annika Sougstad to the lab as a volunteer. (April 27)
Some group members march for science: Grant Frost marches in St. Paul and Chris marches in Chicago with his family and a few old friends. (April 22)
Grant Frost presents his work on developing a mechanistic model for enantioselective cyanoamidation via C–CN bond activation in the HC Brown symposium at Purdue University. (April 14)
Group Alum Phil Gemmel accepts an offer for graduate studies in chemistry at the University of Chicago (April 12)
Katie McGarry and Chris Douglas coauthor with Johannes Benduhn, Koen Vandewal and an international team on voltage loss in organic solar cells. Read the work in Nature Energy. (April 10)
Nick Serratore and Chris Douglas coauthor with Brett Barney and his lab on characterizing the aldehyde binding pocket of dehydrogenase enzymes. Read the work in Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (April 7)
Chris Douglas gives seminar on the group's rubrene work at Rutgers University - Newark. Thank you to Professor Elena Galoppini for the invitation and serving as an outstanding host! (April 6)
Chris covers class for Prof. Hoye in CHEM 8322. By request, Chris took the class on a 50 minute walk to the memory lane of his PhD research on the synthesis of (–)-sarain A (March 27)
Chris wins Taylor Award for Distinguished Teaching
Group alumna Melissa Hardy is awarded a NSF-Graduate Research Fellowship. Good luck to Melissa in her graduate studies!
Grant Frost, Nick Serratore, and Jodi Ogilvie coauthor “Mechanistic Model for Enantioselective Intramolecular Alkene Cyanoamidation via Palladium-Catalyzed C–CN Bond Activation” in J. Org. Chem. (March 15)
Giang Hoang, Dylan Walsh, Katie McGarry, and Connie Anderson coauthor “Development and Mechanistic Study of Quinoline-Directed Acyl C–O Bond Activation and Alkene Oxyacylation Reactions” in J. Org. Chem. (March 2)
Connie Anderson passes her Oral Preliminary Exam! (February 9)
Steve Underwood passes his Oral Preliminary Exam! (January 23)
2018 · 2017 · 2016 · 2015 · 2014 · 2013 · 2012 · 2011 · 2010 · 2009 · 2008 · 2007